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RE: Confusion Over Hive

in LeoFinance2 years ago

There are two great challenges in Computer Science, cache eviction and naming things. It is mighty confusing, although I think TaskMaster pointed out that the name of the Blockchain isn't overly important it's the DApps that people interact with we should focus on.


I agree it is the DApps that are important but just wish someone had taken a little more care and attention to detail when naming our blockchain. Our Hive will be more well known anyway so it isn't a major problem, but we will still see those that don't do their research still mix things up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Would have been better yes. The company I used to work for was named the same as the Italian word for the starchy water left over after cooking pasta. It could be worse :)

Lol. I agree it could be worse.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta