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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: Cubfinance V2 Day #3 (09/22/21)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

It's a brilliant idea, the truth is that I love interacting with people in this community, I don't know, it's like that kind of thing that you needed and in the end you found. In Leo I have realized this, sometimes you think that you can be put aside just because you are new or want to give your opinion on what issues and one may feel less supported, but with the passage of time I have realized no, perseverance, the time dedicated to knowing aspects or topics of community members helps a lot to continue growing and a blog like the Daily Crypto markets is very cool! At the same time in which you share information or debates depending on what topics you also gain a little of that visibility that some of us need to continue growing here, as it is said in my country, "Patience and good lyrics!" So again, nice to meet you in here @magnacarta!

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