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RE: How Long until Saved by Soon?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

This is why what actually needs to happen is for the negotiating to stop from the non-owner-sided, a reevaluation and definition of what is valuable and then, a way to build ownership in asset classes that aren't already owned. Essentially, it is like building a new industry or finding a new precious metal that is not yet known, and then building mines and markets around it.

I'm feeling so much synchronocity going on right now (perhaps coincidentally, perhaps not, literally for the last 3-4 days seems like a lot of people are on similar wavelengths, but is it enough?), J and I were just talking about that this morning (or more accurately I asked him something and he explained some plans he has to me).

Meanwhile hope the MRI shows favourable results.


(or more accurately I asked him something and he explained some plans he has to me).

Plans are always exciting, aren't they?

(perhaps coincidentally, perhaps not, literally for the last 3-4 days seems like a lot of people are on similar wavelengths, but is it enough?)

Just today I was thinking a little along these lines while speaking with a couple colleagues - not all is lost at least.