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RE: Launch Day: Introducing the New Hivestats | Rebuilt From the Ground Up!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Hope I find time to submit an entry, though I am not sure about the quality of my content.

Someone asked me, "Why do you think LEO will increase in price?"

And here's my short reply: "Though several price forecasts have been made about LEO's price, as for me, though I like to see such rally, but predicting its exact direction is just a game of probability. The important thing is that if the projects waiting on the pipeline are truly implemented, they will add value to the token hoping that such value will also be reflected in its price. You can check the direction of the project in their recently published Whitebook Version 1.0. It states there the nature of the connection of LeoFinance to Web 3.0 and the versatility of the token as a digital asset."


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta