November Larynx Token Claim and bz NFT

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Larynx Token Claim seems to be different now ?


It appears the Larynx miner token claim process has changed a lot in recent times. In my last post I came to know from @bala41288 that we need to use the new site : . But then seems the link is having issues and opens a blank page. For some time, I was able to log in to using Keychain and it prompts to add the active key ( which ideally is not needed to claim Larynx token). As soon as I logged in, and went to my wallet, it showed me I have an unclaimed bz NFT. Not sure what are the use cases for it, but I claimed it. Looking at more details on the statistics of the NFT, it appears only 485 out of 10000 have been opened.


And the floor price is 50 HBD ? Really ? Wait for few minutes and it keeps changing.



It flickers and the price changes to 4.5k DLUX or 50 hive. But don't worry, there is no sales as you can see. I have not been able to catch up with these new NFTs, so if you know what can we do with these NFTs, then do let me know.

Now coming the Larynx claim, I was able to navigate and see my Larynx token balance for few moments, but now, the wallet page is not opening, may be some work in progress ? And I did not click anywhere, but it seems to have claimed the token automatically ? Out of curiosity tried the old site and it does show I claimed for this month.


As per recommendations from @bala41288, this is old side and supposed to be not used. But I did not find any other place where I can see the claim history. Based on my experience of Larynx claim so far, the easiest way was the simple link that was shared by @spknetwork in this post, I did try it today using hivesigner and it does broadcast the transaction. But then I am now not sure, if we should even use that.

The Claim button given on 3speak site was also quite handy. It used to fetch and show the claim history as well. But seems that is also broken now. Clicking that Claim button does not do anything. Ideally it should be removed, if its supposed to be not used, but then I am not sure, if there has been any recent update on that.

The good part of the Larynx tokens seems to be the price. For that moment when I had a chance to see my wallet it was showing my Larynx tokens were worth more than 500$, this is the reward of holding HIVE. And exploring the DLUX site, I see the Raganarok Claim Token is getting ready. We have heard the news of it and the excitements around it, and I am sure, it will be very rewarding to claim them and play the game.


And came across this post from CTT talks to know about SPK Network building a robust DEX and they are very close. So feels good to know that we are actively building without any market influence.

I know a lot is changing, and I have been not able to catch up. If anyone knows what is the best way to claim the Larynx tokesn as of now and where to see the history, please point me for my next claim. Also is there any single account which publishes any update on these changing things ? I will be waiting for the Dlux site to work to delegate my Larynx tokens. In the mean time, if you have not claimed your Larynx tokens and know where to claim, then I advise you do so at the earliest as we have only few days left in this month.



copyrights @sanjeevm - content created uniquely with passion for #HIVE platform — NOT posted anywhere else! #HIVE is my only social diary - my blog is my life.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I was not aware of this, although I dont have enough HP to become a beneficiary of sizeable drops, I should check out the link. Thank you.

Anything free is rewarding.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have never claimed any Larynx token yet. I think I should set an alarm.

Thanks @sanjeevm for this nudge, I wouldn't have been alert if not for you, I will go do some findings right away.

Thanks for the reminder and I am going to check it right away. Its helpful for many people here.

Which site you use to claim ? Seems a lot has changed in recent times.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I used to claim and it worked but I still see the gift box in the old link. Seems this link is not updated.

I think, they are expired, which you missed claiming, even shows to me. Probably they should say so.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

you can try to claim throuhg and in the wallet, you can see SPK.
hope it helps.

Ya, probably that is a better way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Interesting I haven't seen the new UI for this. Almost time to claim those December drops!

Same here, I missed claiming once, where do you claim ?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Gift button on

Based on what I heard from others, we are not supposed to use that.

😊😎🤙 yea, it's pretty NOT stable. :P I really don't understand what Larynx even is..

There is a lot to catch up on #HIVE :)

Do you think it might have potential to rise in price in the future

Yes, I think, there is already some price actions.

Aside from ecency, all the links are virtually not working, I don't know why, the old and new. Everything seems inacessible.

Ya, at least it should ideally work on the 3speak site, not sure, why no one cares.

you certainly have to catch up since they are good tokens which we can later change to both HBD and HIVE

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there are few days left to claim those tokens. Now a question can be asked by any active user in #Hive or must be registered in a specific App

I haven't claimed any tokens. Obviously with my HP average I dont expect a lot !

I'll take a research about this token since today is my first time of hearing about it.
@sanjeevm thanks for creating the awareness through this post

Good to see that they are finally making progess on this!

So you mean you did actually claimed your Larynx token from the new site which is ?

I am a kind of confuse right cause I thought I used the old site to claim my November token.

Heading over there right now to check my history to see if I actually did.

I think that old site shows at least the claim history : , I could not find any other place where we can find out the history. If nothing works, try the old link (using hivesigner) given in this post :

And then see the history. I am also quite confused and would look forward to see some answers from @spknetwork

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well, I actually saw mine after checking and it showed that I have claimed for that of November.

Screenshot_20221126-174746_Hive Keychain.jpg

I don't know why yours is not showing. Perhaps you could refresh it. It is at the bottom of the page.

Which site is this ?

It's the SPK site. That's the one I usually use to claim mine. You can check it out. I used Hive Keychain.

Based on what I heard last time, we are not supposed to use that. I was expecting some guidance from @threespeak

All right. But I'm still using it anyway. Any reason for us not supposed to use it?