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RE: Generating the wealth of a generation

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I believe, projects like Hive are the best landing ones for newcomers. You can "invest" by doing and learning instead of jumping directly into the markets with your own money.
The problem with the young generations is the majority of them will have the economic pressure but the response will be to just "jump in" with poor knowledge if any and many will be easy victims of scammers.

This is what makes Hive so unique. You can just learn what a transaction is, what the value of your currency translates into fiat, the volatility compared to fiat, how one day you may have the equivalent of $10, and the next day it might be $7 or $12. Thay can be curious with very low risk if any.

I have pushed some young guys into Hive and the amount of questions they have is incredible, they get it quite fast, but then, the day the markets go down they text me asking what's going on as if I had the key to the price ups and downs. They just lack basic economic knowledge as many have never seen a fiat exchange office since the Euro appeared in 2002.

Hive is a great sandbox to jump into crypto, and now with wrapped Hive you can easily move some of your assets into ethereum and play with all the DeFi world. That's what youngers have to do before putting any single dollar in.

I've been playing around with a new project called 1hive (nothing to do with Hive). It is an open-source initiative laying in an Ethereum sisterchain. There is a free fauced you can claim every two days, and the developer and user community uses a Discord server where everyone is ready to help. It is also a great investment-free project to jump into crypto. Slightly different than Hive as you jump directly into the technology, but there are ways to earn the token called Honey (HNY) posting in the forums and helping there. I posted about it a few days ago. Just learning to configure a new wallet to "read" the xDai blockchain (this is the ethereum sisterchain), using an open-source cellphone app as BridghtID to validate you are human and claiming your coins in the fauced is already an experience to make you understand things you get for granted when joining Hive as you get your account directly when onboarding.


The problem with the young generations is the majority of them will have the economic pressure but the response will be to just "jump in" with poor knowledge if any and many will be easy victims of scammers.

Yes, this is already an issue, with his friends looking for a "quick score" but not having an idea about the field of play.

They just lack basic economic knowledge as many have never seen a fiat exchange office since the Euro appeared in 2002.

Ha, this is an interesting point, as it does take away some of the transparency on what is happening in the conversions.

I haven't heard of 1hive, there are so many things going on now and I have so little time to look into them, I feel I am falling behind.


I love learning and try to take a look at anything which crosses my eyes, I am curious by nature and have been involved in several projects.

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