The Impact of Phobias on Mental Health and Well-being

in LeoFinancelast month

There are a lot of things that can be very scary for us in our lives and some of them can be a lot more intense than others they are the ones that we cannot stand even for a second and those are the things which are four years which are irrational fears of specific objects or even situations or even something that is a basic activity that we can get ourselves involved in all of this are having a huge impact if they are triggered and they can have very deep rules to play in our life because they happened to be existing in all lives because of a reason and that reason can be a very big drama that we had in the past and that has been having us this habit of feeling a lot more scared to those particular things.


The origin of any phobia is going to be from certain experiences that we had in the past or even in some cases it can be due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors but most of the time it is always the traumatic experience that we had in the past in the childhood or any three is in our life which made our brain to be designed in such a man that we need to be protected from those particular things from happening and that is why we are very much scared when's those things start to happen or we find ourselves in that particular situation when did might happen and that is a big reason for the phobia.

Our brain can be giving a lot of misleading signals that we need to be protected from a certain situation which is always going to invoke an irrational sense of fear within us that is how this phobia works and we feel extremely scared and try to keep ourselves away from all of those things from happening as well as the things which we are involved in can be misinterpreted in a lot of situations by our brain because it feels that we need to be protected from that and it is something which is a thread or a danger that we surely need to be staying away from.

Me personally, I also have a certain phobia that is from the fear of heights as it has been something that I have felt for a long amount of time because whenever I go up to a balcony at a certain level of floors in a particular building I did feel that I might be falling off and my heart starts to race and there are always a sense of fear inside of me which has been quite irrational because I feel that it is something that may happen but I am in a perfectly sound and Secure structure which always not that dangerous which I think it is to be but surely the fear still purses and it has been very much highly imbibed within myself.


Factors that ever these phobias are acting at their peak no sense of logic might happen to work within our brains because we do not see things for the reason they are and we start to think a lot more than what they are that is why the phobias are very highly impactful on our brains and the things that it has to offer after it gets on our brain because it can be very crucial to the emotional strategy is that we can be having as it surely affects all of it and going to be having a big impact on the situation that we are in because feeling scared will be not a very good state to be in at any stage of our life or any situation.

Phobias do generally generate from the emotional side of our brain and that is why it is not that easy to keep away from bringing in a rational thought once these phobias start to kick in because we know something that is not real but still we are believing it to the extent which can impact our mental thinking which is something that phobias have a very strong grip on which is why we need a lot of patience and persistence to be dealing with certain situations which involve phobias.

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It can be quite difficult to make sure that we are going through all of these experiences in such a man that is going to be helpful for us in the future and also going to improve because hobbies have a very big impact on our mental health as well because it takes a tool on it as whenever that experience is strike it is not a very soothing one and that is why the behavior change that we have after those experience is are very emotional and need a lot of patience to be thinking of getting back to normal and also even having a thought of completely removing them which is a very hard task.

Obviously, phobias can definitely be very hard to overcome and logic cannot be a good solution to be used in situations when we are going through certain experience of fear because coping with those emotional activities is going to be a lot no hard because our brain is already overloaded with those emotional thoughts of fear even if we know that something isn't that rational to think in that manner but we still keep on thinking and all of the things that we can be doing is to be done just to be having some patients in that particular situation

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To me I believe logic can me a way but not for everyone, to overcome phobia, as we both know phobia is a mental illness and it requires a mechanism process to help us overcome it, which it generally spoken that facing your fears if one major way to overcome phobia. Being logical through gradual process can assist us overcome phobia, but there are some intense phobia that cannot be overcomed logically.

I enjoyed reading your post sir

Surely it is a very gradual process and requires a lot of patience.

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