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RE: One Love, One Hive

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Are you simple in the head? I do not know what you are talking about because your post is all over the place.

Maybe a little too much to drink? Been there, done that. You are not going to gain influence with crazy posts like this, believe me. From one nut to another, cool your jets!



No, you are not talking to @roelandp. Though I do appreciate the compliment. If you knew me at all you would know that I am not an alt-account.

I have done videos, been involved in a number communities. A great many folks know who I am. Your research is lacking.

Better to make more of your Marijuana leaf NFT art than bantering with me! I guess my research is a little better than yours. Only took me ten minutes to figure out your alt-accounts/affiliated accounts. A lot less than 50 hours.

Now, if you do not mind, I am off for another cup of tea and going outside to enjoy the sunshine. G-D bless you and have a wonderful day, truly.

I didn't even know I had Blocktrades as a proxy for some time or remember why. We're not the same person. I create accounts for people. So does Blocktrades.

Stop tagging people and they'll stop downvoting.