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RE: Leo Talk 6/17/21 - Come Join Our Chat

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I did not actually shill CUB directly. One of the developers from Polygon was being interviewed and I chatted that I was looking forward to a possible Polygon Wrapped LEO (pLEO).

Sometimes a person can get blocked on these type of virtual conferences if they get too spammy. Since it was a segment about Polygon, I took the opportunity.

In another segment a great deal of my comments were being shared on the stream screen as they were pertinent to the conversation. That lady executive from must have really liked my comments!

I plan to be involved again today. Maybe I will be appointed an ambassadorship by Leo Finance. No need for anyone to call me excellency. I am a South Central Pennsylvania liberal redneck and do not go in much for titles. 🤣

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