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RE: Leo Talk 7/28/21 - Come Join Our Chat

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I am a white boy raised by Puerto Ricans and White folks. I know my ancestry (Norwegian, Irish and a little Anglo-Saxon, German with a smattering of Dutch) but what does it matter?

My 2d cousin was the President of the USA (John Adams) and I have a pretty impressive pedigree. Does not really matter. I am still white trailer park trash and don't care who knows it! 🤣

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


But can you monetize the DNA data for your own purposes? Web 2.0 won't allow for that.

Then there are other data contained in your DNA such as recessive genes and any mutations which took place along the way to your creation as a human being.

Finding out details about your ancestry in the way those companies advertise sounds cool, but at what cost? What do you have to give up to get that data? What do those companies get from that data apart from what they advertise? What else can they do with that data without your knowledge and without your permission?

It reminds me of that episode from Star Trek: The Next Generation where Worf finds himself face to face with the spiritual leader of his people in the flesh. He had promised a return to the Klingons just as we have The Second Coming here. It turns out that the spiritual leader Worf met was cloned from genetic material left behind by the original. Technically, the promise to return had been kept-- but knowledge of how that was done would be distasteful to the population.

What would these "DNA companies" do with the DNA we gleefully submit, and what would it cost us apart from local currency?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sometimes, things become self-fulfilling prophecies.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Since @taskmaster4450le has done so much for so many and started our little club here, I decided to pay it forward...

I have delegate a few cards to @taskmaster4450le's Death Group. It will help with getting some SPS as well as help with him playing!

Exciting things are happening my friends!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta