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RE: Daily commenting strategy on Hive

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

My question was how many parts to your series you were expecting to have and reference point to be able to point to. You seem to be more focused on where it will be in Google.

It's nice your interest and focus is on LeoFinance. I don't focus on writing crypto and finance as a regular practice. I also don't "just tag" LeoFinance on my posts. When I write a relevant post I post to the LeoFinance Community. Or is that not supposed to be used?

My focus is on reaching out to Newbies and people who may be interested in coming into Web3 through Hive. There is zero reason for me not to post my content to Medium. I also help to cohost a Twitter Space each week for the same purpose.

So, I will continue to use a general frontend, create content that I want to create and place my content where I choose to.