
Well, let's try it, it's not impossible, we can do it #blacklions

Ya we for sure can. Just keep using #blacklions for everything if possible lol if u still have the word count why not just add it. Then we know you are helping the team participate

Good morning

Good morning man. where have you been? :? haven't seen much of your threads the past few hours. It's not the time to sleep while a war is going on #blacklions

yes.. I went to sleep for 3 hours, but i am back here threading like i never left and ready to go again. This time to the end


wow I slept 6 hours you make me seem like a weakling . glad you got the enrgy and let's keep fighting til the end for the win #blacklions

Lol, with the work you put in earlier , you deserved the 6 hours rest.

we need you fully recharged at the moment, now more then ever

#blacklions rules

thanks man Ya I did put in a lot of work now it's you turn. I need to start doing other things now hehe #blacklions

can you pend the other things for till we finish in the next six hours

@nifty is about to go to bed now.. It is 3am at his end // we need all hands on deck

We are not relenting or slacking, we own this other lion 🦁. Let's win this and break their soul with a higher winning margin.