A Bitcoin Poem (Christmas Song Theme).

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

A Bitcoin Poem (Christmas Song Theme).


Nay say I...there’s more to Bitcoin then meets the eye!

It’s not just a form of digital gold, Bitcoin represents a transition to the New, from the old.

The Legacy Economy is circling the drain. It’s banker masters pulling it’s chain.

Tighter and tighter, around it’s neck they pull. Unknowingly soon off its head, they will pull.

But the future of finance lies not with these guys, but instead lies with the fin-tech movement called DeFi !

Yes..Fin-Tech, DeFi, No credit checks and no bankers need Apply...

The bankers talk about financial evolution, but me I see a financial revolution.

Some say crypto will liberate us from economic strife, I say that crypto will bring us a new life.

Get ready to live without bankers and snobs, instead spend your life with your passions not jobs.

Just imagine controlling your money yourself, and not asking anyone for permission or help.

Just imagine your ledger being tended with care, and no chance of a fraudulent entry in there.

Crypto practitioners sleep with nice dreams in their heads, while bankers dreams are nightmares filled with dread.

On Bitcoin, On Ether, on Leo and Hive, down bankers and credit checks and all of that jive.

The bankers will run rough over the world no more, and the bank horror stories will fade into lore.

The SUNY Bitcoin will rise in the sky, and altcoin holders this world will buy.

Merry Bitcoin to all and to all a Bitnight.



Shortsegments is a writer focused on cryptocurrency, the blockchain, non-fungible digital tokens or NFTs, and decentralized finance, where finance meets technology.



No bankers were harmed in the making of this poem. Violence against bankers is not advised. Instead show them the light, and the way, so they can leave the dark side.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


"No bankers were harmed in the making of this poem. " I love mockery. Sometimes I'm even in for self-irony!

Excellent poem!
Is this your 1st BTC poem?

Allow me to share it.

Thank you! Yes it’s my first.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've read it with interest and each line made me think.

You depict things in such a genuine way.
I hope to be reading more poems from you.

I liked that too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Violence against bankers is not advised

Well as much as we hate the bankers and how they keep stealing people's money, the government does all they can to back them up. So yea its not advised unless you want to get thrown in prison. I do think they should be thrown out and bankrupted instead of being bailed out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes indeed, you can't live with them and you can't kill them!
LOL ! Just Kidding !
I would much rather convert them into passionate supporters if I could, but I think the probability of that is low...
But you never know.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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