Six Reasons Leobridge will be successful

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)


Six Reasons Leobridge will be successful


The Hive Community Leofinance is a second layer token of Hive. It exists on Hive-Engine, the side chain of Hive Blockchain. The Community token Leo is thus a Hive-Engine token and a Hive Token, which is traded on Hive-Engine Exchange. In order to sell the token on a larger exchange with a larger potential market Leofinance created a ERC token called WLEO. WLEO trades on the Ethereum blockchain exchange called Uniswap. This effort was successful with the price of Leo Token increasing by 4x and many new members joined Hive and Leofinance. The Leofinance Community creator subsequently developed a sign-up process via Metamask, a wallet for ERC tokens and Ethereum. This also provided cryptocurrency investors on Ethereum a easy entry point into the Hive and Leofinance Communities.

After this successful foray into the Ethereum Network, the Leofinance Community Creator decided to wrap the Leo Token again, but this time to trade it on another Blockchain Network called Binance Smart Chain. To do this he created the equivalent of a EThereum ERC Token on Binance Smart Chain a BEP-2 Token called BLEO. Thus Hive Community members could now participate in cryptocurrency trading on Pancakeswap, the largest exchange on the Binance Smart Chain. In addition, Leofinance created their own Decentralized Finance trading platform on Binance Smart Chain called Cubfinance. The Leofinance Community on Hive called themselves the Lions. This "Project" on Binance continues that Lion Kingdom theme with the name Cubfinance and the Mascot is a cute baby lion Cub. The token name for this project Cubfinance is called Cub.

Uniswap on Ethereum and Pancakeswap on Binance Smart Chain.

So at this point the Hive community Leofinance, and their second layer token Leo is traded on Hive-Engine Exchange, as a Hive token, and also on Ethereum Blockchain, as an ERC Token WLEO, and on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain, as a BEP-2 token, BLEO. Now as you know Ethereum is the home of Smart contracts and the second largest Exchange in all of cryptocurrency UNiswap. And Binance Smart Chain is the home to the largest Exchange in all of cryptocurrency called Pancakeswap. Coinbase which recently launched an IPO, which was the largest exchange in all of cryptocurrency is now the third largest exchange because of Decentralized Finance, and the success of Uniswap on Ethereum and Pancakeswap on Binance Smart Chain.

Ethereums Uniswap has been the largest exchange in the world due to it's successful rise to become the most popular decentralized exchange in the world with over 12 billion dollars of value locked in Smart Contracts. However Binance Exchange launched a side chain, like our Hive Engine Side Chain, called Binance Smart Chain, which shared Binance's singular focus. It only does decentralized exchange platforms. While Binance Chain is singularly devoted to a centralized exchange platform Binance Exchange. Pancakeswap, a decentralized exchange and forked of Uniswap's , open source code, has become more successful then it's predecessor Uniswap, and is now the largest exchange in the world, surpassing Uniswap in total value locked in Smart Contracts. Thus the world now has two Blockchains with a massive amount over 24 billion dollars worth of value locked in Smart Contracts in two Blockchain ecosystems Ethereum Uniswap and Binance Smart Chain Pancakeswap.

The Rise of Binance Smart Chain

The great news story for the Hive Community is that transaction fees on Ethereum have soared to very high levels, as the value of Ethereum the token, has risen this past 18 months with the Total Value Locked in Smart contracts on Uniswap. This created huge problem for small investors involved in DeFi on Ethereum, as the Ether token, which was once were valued at 100 dollars, is now valued at 2500 dollars, and paying fractions of this token for transactions which has increased in value by a multiple of 25x, has meant that the transaction fees are greater then the profits on the many trades or consumed large portions of those profits. In my opinion this has partially fueled the rise of DeFi platforms on Binance Smart Chain, a Economics 101 rule from college, build a cheaper, faster competitor and business with come, and it has come to Binance Smart Chain.

The huge need to move crypto from Ethereum to BSC

But this also meant that investors wanting to move from platforms on Ethereum to platforms on Binance Smart Chain, must perform a series of swaps and wallet transfers. This creates two big problems: First, cost in ethereum transaction fees. Second, these complicated swaps and moves to multiple wallet addresses could result in sending the cryptocurrency to the wrong wallet address. Thus the cryptocurrency would be lost for ever.

The role of the Hive Blockchains

Into this great cryptographic divide between the 12 billion dollar Ethereum DeFi economy and the 12 billion dollar Binance DeFi economy is a and that bridge is called LeoBridge. Leobridge provides And the LeoBridge provides a simple graphic interface to simplify this crypto movement, and limit errors, thus reduce capitol loss. Leobridge is built by Leofinance, a community on Hive. So now, in a manner of speaking, the bridge between the two largest exchanges in all of cryptocurrency is the Hive blockchain.

Can you say Utility
Can you say Use Case
Can you say Buy Hive and Leo now while they are cheap

Now, I told you all that, so I could tell you this, and now it will make perfect sense...

Leobridge: the bridge between Ethereum and Binance,

which passes through Hive, will be successful for six reasons that I can think of....

First, Ethereum Transaction fees are high, traders and investors are moving their capitol to Binance Smart Chain.

Second, Risk of token loss is big...

In order to move tokens from Ethereum to Binance Smart chain, you must perform multiple token swaps and move tokens between multiple wallets...

...this creates the risk of loss of cryptocurrency in this swapping and moving from wallet to wallet means if you make an error.

.Some traders aren't trading at all right now because Etherteum gas fees are to high and the complexity of this movement across blockchains is to complex. So this means a reliable method will be saught to safely bridge the gap between these two huge economies. Leobridge performs all the swaps for these traders and takes all the complexity out of it. You trade whatever you have on Uniswap for WLEO, put your WLEO on the Leobridge and it comes out at the other end as BLEO on Binance Smart Change. As we say in America; "It don't get any easier then that..."

WLEO in and BLEO out. Easy Peasey, lemon squeezey. LOL :)

Third, Arbitrage Opportunity.

It will be the necessary to swap into WLEO to use the Bridge, and necessary to swap into BLEO on the other side of the bridge, to get onto Binance Smart Chain, then a sale of BLEO on BSC to get the original ETH, BTC, DOT, BAT or other token back. This brings great market forces to bear on WLEO and BLEO by increasing the volume of buys and sells of each of these tokens.

Example you have ETH on Uniswap, and you want it on BSC. You can go through Binance Exchange and use Binance Bridge, or you can stay on Uniswap, trade your ETH for WLEO, then use Leobridge to send your WLEO to BSC, having it swapped for BLEO and then you swap BLEO for ETH on BSC to start trading. They sound similar, but one involves you doing all the complicated swaps and performing multiple wallet transfers at the risk of your capitol, while the other is as simple as WLEO in and BLEO out. The automation does all the work.

The Arbitrage situation is created by:

This means lots of Buying of WLEO on Uniswap.
This means lots of selling of BLEO on Pancakeswap/Cubfinance.
This means lots of buying pressure on WLEO, so price goes up.
This mean lots of selling pressure on BLEO so price goes down.
This means price differential between WLEO and BLEO may grow,
This means an arbitrage opportunity will exist by buying BLEO, swamping it for WLEO, swapping WLEO for ETh, then swapping ETH for BLEO.

Fourth, reverse arbitrage

First, Ethereum Fees will drive capitol flight from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain. This also means that cryptocurrency transfer cross chains will drive capitol to flee over the simplest and most trusted route possible: That could be Leobridge.

Second, this capitol flight via the Leobridge creates an arbitrage opportunity between WLEO and BLEO.

Third, the arbitrage opportunity is just as complex as capitol fleeing Ethereum, but it's not one way, it's two way, and the most trusted and simplest way to move capitol both Leobridge.

See how great this is... I am smiling just writing about it.

Reverse Arbitrage creates buying pressure on BLEO. So price goes up. And it creates selling pressure on WLEO. So price goes down. So the arbitrage ETH to BLEO opportunity creates a second arbitrage opportunity going in the opposite direction, then the flight of capitol from Ethereum, this time from BLEO to WLEO.

Isn't this great? Because we are in the middle..being the middleman is sweet...ask your banker!!

Thats quite a twist to wrap your head around I am sure.

This will either nullify itself and result in no arbitrage opportunities on either side, or create a cycle of arbitrage opportunities like a teeter totter, with one side going up, the other down, then the other side going down and the opposite up.

Fifth reason, NFTs

The Hive Blockchain, has two NFT stores that I know of, possibly more. Once all this capitol starts moving from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain, investors will invariably notice they pass by Hive NFT stores and they will see lower prices and cheaper fees. Hmmm that sounds familiar...lower prices and cheaper fees... where did I hear that before...Binance Smart Chain... the side chain that blew up into 12 billion dollars of value locked.

Do I have your attention now? Price sells. And trading at these Hive NFT stores is in investors will need to buy Hive..and bring pressure makes prices go...wait for it...Up Up UP. Hive has fast free transactions and Ethereum does not.
So Hive and it's applications are potential pit stops such as the two NFT stores.

Think of Leobridge as a Interstate Freeway bring traffic to a rural area, suddenly there's lots of traffic with empty bellies and thirsty mouths. NFTs are crazy big on Ethereum, but gas fees are crazy big too. There are two NFT stores on Hive that may benefit from increased traffic, and that's just one example, and yet another reason for Leobridge to be successful.

Sixth reason, Splinterlands

Splinterlands was one of the first successful cross blockchain applications back in Steemit days, or Before Hive. It moved over here to Hive and has continued to be very successful. I think this will also benefit from the Leobridge because it is a popular game, and once people figure out they can trade ETH for WLEO, and WLEO for LEO, and LEO for Hive, and buy splinter lands cards... well more foot traffic in the Splinterlands store means more sales of Splinterland cards.

Some of you may think that those trades are to complicated and to numerous for this Splinterlands trade to occur. This means you don't know gamers. We thrive in a multiple step environment. We revel in complicated challenges. They make us smile when conquered. These trades will be child's play.


These reasons are what I think will make Leobridge successful:
First, High Ethereum Fees
Second, Popular DeFi yield framing nd lending opportunities on BSC
Third, Complicated cross blockchain swaps and potential loss of cryptocurrency
Fourth, Arbitrage opportunities between WLEO and BLEO
Fifth and Sixth, They may come for Binance Chain, but they may stay for NFTs or Splinterlands.

What do you think?

Are these reasons valid?
Do you see flaws in my reasoning?
Lend me your brain and share your thoughts?

I think the future here looks so bright...I gotta wear shades! 😎



Shortsegments is a writer who focuses on cryptocurrency, the blockchain, non-fungible digital tokens or NFTs, and decentralized finance, where finance meets technology.



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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta#### Leofinance, where you can blog or share financial topic content to earn cryptocurrency, as part of a passionate social media community.

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Ethereum sucks so bad. I also like the point about Splinterlands, I have really enjoyed playing and can see a successful future for the game if we were to bridge it with other blockchains!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree! I didn’t see the NFT angle @shortsegments points out, and suddenly I think investors will find these two NFT stores he talks about, plus Splinterlands looks like it’s NFT based to me? @aggroed should really take advantage of this bridge, as should someone at these two NFT stores.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah Ii agree that the NFT stores and Splinterlands are two additional reasons this plan may work. Hive is full of surprises.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes Splinterlands is NFT based, I really like the concept. You should sign up! There's a lot of value in it and it's also just a fun/competitive game

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for pointing this out. Sometimes it’s the projects you least expected to benefit, which do.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ha Ha 😂
Tell us how you really feel about Ethereum!
Don’t hold back...LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Mannnnnnn if you want to send $100 it'll cost you $100 more. It is just not built for the little guy

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

not always true...but often it sucks

Exactly, people are attracted by different things: blogging, DeFi, NFTs or Splinterlands! It’s a diverse world, we should have diverse offerings!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Agreed, I love it and hope others feel the same way

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Its a great post and I do think it will be successful because people will always take the chance to do arbitrage. There is no reason for these people to refuse the free money. I think the biggest problem is that the fees will still be high since you still have to pay the ETH fees and BSC fees. This can be mitigated by having reserve pools but it means that more capital is required before deployment.

So I think people still need to think carefully about whether or not its worth it to move tokens overs.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You make a good point, that all movement of tokens off the Ethereum platform will cost money, and the movement of tokens onto the Ethereum platform will cost money. The attraction of free money from arbitrage will be a magnetic force here, and investors and traders will really have to focus carefully on the transaction costs before trading. The time of day and day of week variance in ethereum fees will really come into play. Additionally the difference in ETH fee costs when the West is sleeping and East is awakening will also come into play. It will becomes a fun chess match to reduce ETH fees and maximize arbitrage profit! LOL !

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly but still need some noise to reveal our gems here

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, some marketing might help.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah I wonder if they have a marketing campaign planned?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We could always benefit from marketing

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree! The fees eat up all my profits. I am one of those mentioned in the article who has gains frozen on Ethereum due to high fees, and I have moved most of my trading activity to Binance. If I understand you correctly, this bridge is going to be a big plus for both Leo token and Hive token.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, I can understand how they are costly, but I didn’t know it could stop small traders from trading. Crazy!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

💵 💰

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I also have 2 NFTs that I wanted to sell soon that go through ETH and I am thinking of waiting some more. Looking forward to the bridge. I have been reading other articles about this yesterday and it seems to be a blessing for Leo.

Perhaps one of the NFT stores on Hive can display your NFT for sale?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm keeping them for now, they were received at some point. I do have 2 NFTs for sale on NFTShowroom, though. In metamask I have those that I want to sell sooner or later that was received. They were not designed/created by me. Thank you so much for your suggestion and for dropping by.
I'll be less active in the next 3 days, even if I will be posting and answering comments. I want to focus on my Gamification projects also, aside Hive. Once I'm done, I'll be back to do more here as well Hihi!

Oh I see this reply now. That’s great that you already know about the NFT store, and you have stuff for sale...that’s great.

Good luck with your gamification project!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, I've known about it since the beginning because my EmpireKred friend who invited me to Hive is an NFT creator and he introduced me to the concept and the NFTShowroom.But, as I was saying to someone yesterday, I am waiting for the NFT to become a bigger market to include discounts, ebooks, digital goods, etc. Hugs and thank you for stopping by. These days I will just be posting and answering messages mostly, without reading articles, because I have 1 Gamification project running and another one that might start soon.

I am happy to hear that your making NFTs
Perhaps you can sell them here on Hive at the NFT showroom?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm busy with a Gamification project these days, but I still post and respond to comments, even if I don't have much time to read articles. But, once I am done, I'll come back to read and curate. And hug!

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Thank you!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's a nice list, thanks for sharing it.

I can relate to the third reason. Even though I never actually lost any tokens, every time I had to "cross that bridge" (sorry lol) it was very stressful. I read a lot of instructions, planned everything very carefully and double-checked every single step of the way. It all worked out in the end but it certainly was very time and energy-consuming.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It looks scary to a newbie and I not usually afraid.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think it’s a common issue, but fortunately technical simplification is on the way with Leobridge and other developments.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very good post. I really think I get it.
This is pretty long, but informative, and the background did help me understand. It sounds like Leobridge may be much bigger then anticipated. The spillover into Hive may be a huge unintended or under appreciated benefit. I wonder if @aggroed pays attention to these developments and hires marketers to direct people to Leobridge when it’s ready?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you, I am glad you get it now. I think @aggroed may be to busy with his DeFi project, but maybe someone in his community will see it and let him know!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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How to call the bot - !SEOcheck

The command to trigger the bot is - !SEOcheck . It is not case sensitive so you can use seocheck , SEOCHECK or any combination of uppercase lowercase letters but don't forget the Exclamation mark .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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How to call the bot - !SEOcheck

The command to trigger the bot is - !SEOcheck . It is not case sensitive so you can use seocheck , SEOCHECK or any combination of uppercase lowercase letters but don't forget the Exclamation mark .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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Get on Cubfinance fast

Go to article for getting people on Cubfinance Fast

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta