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RE: Somali Republic Silver Coin & A Chai Latte

in LeoFinance2 years ago

It seems like every so often I reevaluate my stack. I’m not old old but I’m not young either. I’m kinda looking out for my daughter when she sells it. To get the most she can without knowledge of it. She has no interest in stacking at all.
It’s a journey over your life. You will probably do the same thing at some point.


Now that makes sense to me. And your probably right. I tend to reevaluate all aspects of my life and processes, so I would imagine that area would be no different. Thanks for the advice.. always ☺️

Very smart. Priorities change, lifestyles change, the world changes. Every once in a while you got to take a step back and access the situation.
I actually hoping for one of two things. For silver to got nuts again and hit $50 an ounce. Or the gold to silver ratio to get to under 40-1. Gold is more stable and much easier to sell and store.

Yeah.. I would love to pick up some more gold. I have been keeping an eye on it and want to pick some up under $1750 if that's at all possible. Maybe but not right now! lol