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RE: Copper American Eagles Rounds!!!

in LeoFinance8 months ago

I'm struggling here, sis, but all is fine... This is part of my daily life!!!
Hahaha, I devote a few minutes here and there during the day during my breaks, to respond to comments. So tonight, I have all the time for LOH ! I sincerely love your blog, sis! And it is my gauge in how I am doing in time!


You must be killin' it out here!
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Take care of yourself sis! I understand struggling as well. I've been somewhat too. My work is going to change just a bit as we are going to a web based office software which will enable me to do some things at home. I have my first meeting Monday from home and will go through training. Then, I'll get to train the doc and my coworkers. On the good side; I can do some things from home I couldn't do even if I went in on my off day as invariably, my coworker doesn't understand 'I'm not really there'. On the other hand, it will eat up part of my usual off days. I see it as a mixed blessing. I really don't want to add more hours to what I already do, but something has to give before I cave to insanity, lol!

Love ya sis and thank you for the compliment. It means a lot!🤗😘💕😍🌸 !LUV !LOLZ

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You re-tire it.

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