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RE: LeoThread 2023-11-23 00:00

in LeoFinance6 months ago

With all the hive-engine issues lately.
Does #inleo take a snapshot ever of #LEO holdings? in case HE disappears?
is there a contingency plan?


NEWS UPDATE It seems like Hive-Engine is going to be depreciated and instead the team would rather you use their newer platform which is Tribledex moving forward -

You can still do all the same things as hive-engine but the UI and placement of things takes a little getting used to.

Tribaldex IS hive-engine just a new website.
Hive-engine is the underlying tech.
they are trying to move away from the name due to the issues and bad blood.
Tribaldex is also down a lot becuase the underlying tech has issues

True but its a full rebrand and rename which is never an easy tasks when all the OGs still reference tribaldex. It's so weird the bad blood that goes on around here especially since hive-engine brought us layer 2 tokens FINALLY and the core dev team still honestly produces nothing in terms of smart contracts or a layer two option. I really question why people still vote these core devs. I'm sure they do something but I have no idea what it is and it must be at a snail's pace.

Not going into the politics of everything. But HE is more a side-chain than a layer 2.
I do like that HE has tokens and provided that.
Smart Contracts are a layer 2 option not layer 1 and they are being built by VSC.

true but when the core dev team doesn't provide you with another option then what are you going to do. HE has been around for YEARS even before Hive was even a thing. I think VSC might be just like hive engine though maybe. Being that they are also building their own side chain via 3speak and DLUX

the core dev team has done a ton to imporve base layer code.
No VSC is not a side-chain it will settle on Layer 1 Hive.
HE really does not settlement on layer 1 Hive no matter the propaganda.
i don't want to argue just stating tech

No argument here and I know HE doesn't do it on layer 1 . We will have to see what happens with VSC. I voted approval for their project because I want to see smart contract on hive finally.

you seem to be too emotionally invested in this.
so i will pray for you.
Just take a breath and relax.

I'm not at all lol Simply have a conversation. As far as I know as a user of 5 years that's how I feel and I'm more then happy to see others viewpoints including your own. But as an every day user we really don't see much of what the core dev team does and brings to the table sadly.

A valid question. I know there were snapshots a while back. It is a good thing for #khaleelkazi to bring up.

We need VSC to go live.

I'm sure LEO has plans. But H-E as a whole will be around because Splinterlands relies on it. They would never let it go away lol

Tribledex is the plan H-E is getting depreciated from the sounds of it.

yeah crypto mancer mentioned it a few days ago in the discord. i just wish we could see total value of our portfolio there. doesnt include staked tokens :(

good questions indeed