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RE: Raising a penquin army

in LeoFinance6 months ago

3D priting is a hobby I would like to get in soon although I fear to fill up my office with 3D print models that wont do much, feels like the question "What do I print now?" opens the pandora box and you start printing like there is no tomorrow, Im not sure if its just a phase and eventually stops but I see posts about 3D printing and does sound like a lot of fun, more now that software is way easier to use than few years ago, have fun ✌️


This is how it goes exactly. Especially when you find yourself scrolling endlessly for hours on the mountains of freely available prints of

Im a sucker for a transfomers, can see me already figuring out how to print some 4 feet Devastator or Dragonzord 😂🤦‍♂️

It helps if you have a lot of friends and family to pawn them off on. I personally prefer to functional print, print things that solve problems, but I end up printing a lot of statues and trinkets for friends and family.

Yeah that is why I would get one too, print things that help me not things that necesary entertain, will probably get a basic one next year

Highly recommend the bamboo labs x1c that @themarkymark has. Its the first printer I've had that felt like an appliance.