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RE: A little something on the side

in LeoFinance3 years ago

As sad as it seems, a few weeks ago I calculated how many passive or semi-passive income streams I have and counted 11. Many are peanuts but some are getting all the larger (you know which ones). How many people on the 9-5 have zero? I bet there are lots.

We get what we create and what we make out of all this. Authoring is not one of my 11, that requires effort. There could well be more.. 2c a day doesn't count.


Many have zero. Itt feels at times they must be actively avoiding improving their financial wellbeing.

I have a few larger, but I count writing as one. While not passive, I enjoy it a lot.

At some point, employed work will be the side gig.

It's took me a long time to get to this mindset. I'm currently out of work and am dreading starting back up. Farting about on HIVE all day is more fun.