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RE: The HBD Balance In Savings Keeps On Growing | More Than One Million Paid In Interest | A Look At The Data In HBD Savings

in LeoFinancelast year (edited)

I set it at 20% and advocated for others to do the same when UST was paying 20%. I felt it was important to be competitive in the DeFi space at least on a temporary promotional basis even though everyone should recognize that 20% is not sustainable indefinitely if there is too much demand (we're able to afford it on a small total saving balance as long as uptake remains low due to hardly anyone knowing about it).

Once UST collapsed, it was no longer necessary to pay 20% to be competitive. IMO 15% is still a very attractive return, better than just about everything if not everything else, and saves us a bit of expense on interest. But the 5% difference is not large, so I haven't really pushed for a reduction. The 15% is just my opinion.


Thank you for your explanation.

I agree, 15% is still a competitive rate, and I have mentioned elsewhere that I think between 12% and 15% is something I would be more comfortable with supporting.

Just some context:

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As a larger HP holder, these are my personal thoughts.