

Yes, even if it is from someone you trust. Because who knows, the person must have been compromised, or his account has been.

I hope we don't fall into such situation

exactly what happened to me last friday. I totally thought it was legit and I didn't checked the url, the images, nothing, I just thought it was part of the campaign LOL

Honestly, the timing was actually critical, because many people don't want to miss out on getting points, so without checking they jump in immediately.

I'm glad the community informed many others.

yeah that was really great, that helped a lot of people. And it actually showed that we can have an extra layer of protection on threads

Yes, unlike some other communities where their only means of communication is discord or medium. There will be no way to reach other members, except lets say Telegram

yeah or on twitter, sending some kind of warning, but telegram is not a bad idea because everyone has their phone and you can text them directly

Yea, true...

Well, Twitter doesn't seem like a good option in my honest opinion, because you may make prospective investors scared of your project, especially if the hack is a minor one