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RE: Free Chaos Legion Booster Pack (12/18/2022)

in LeoFinancelast year

If you are looking to purchase some Chaos Legion Packs the Splinterlands company has an awesome End of the Year sale going on in which includes handing out a PROMO card for every Pack Purchased (Must Be Purchased Directly From Splinterlands).

I read about it, but it's not quite clear, I want to clarify. If you buy 100 packs, you get 100 promo cards? Or are there other conditions?
Upvote, reblog!


That is correct. The promo card is a common card and you will get one for each pack purchased during the promo. The latest post about the promo card can be found here:

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great! Thank you so much! 🙌

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