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RE: Keep your LEO on HIVE

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Ha! But I can't help degenning (not a word I know) into those things :-)

Having said that, I do agree with what you say. However, there is always that small chance that they could hit it big :-)

I have decided pretty much the same as you say and am redoubling my efforts to rebuild on LEO (and a lesser extent on HIVE). Going forward, atleast until the next shiny object comes along I am concentrating on building a HIVE savings and amassing as much LEO as I can.

Of course that is easy to say, since I have a pretty big bet (losing at this point) outstanding on CUB/pCUB. I am not going to reduce those, but will transfer all the gains back into LEO/HIVE. It would probably be smart to take some of the large stakes there and liquidate some to do that rebuilding, but I still hold out that CUB/pCUB do some some potential to go big and will ride those puppies down for the most part :-)

Polycub has potential especially and CUB will possibly give some more drops that could be sold or rode down too :-) I expect polycub to end up with more value a year from now than I put into it. CUB -- who knows -- less certain about that.

Anyway I am already about 10% of the way back on my LEO stack and expect to be 100% back to my LEO baseline before the end of the year. This time I will not likely draw it down again.

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