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RE: Could Hive Encrypted Memos Replace Email?

in LeoFinance25 days ago

It is a feature that ought to be better known. I may not even notice when I get a memo as there's no notification for it. It should be ready to use if people have their keys set up. It does mean that anyone can see who is communicating even if they can't read the messages.

I played with PGP/GPG encryption years ago, but very few people were using it and it is complex to set up. We need secure communications and Hive offers a solution.


Yeah, I wish there was a way to hide it completely, but hey, I'll take what I can get. Now if we can just make the transactions and wallets private like Monero, I would be extremely happy, lol.

That would mean major changes and would break some dapps, but maybe it could be added eventually.

Yeah, it'll never happen. I am at least happy with the encrypted memos option. That is a form of privacy. Now we need some Monero to Hive bridges. That would be cool.