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RE: Too Late to Fail

in LeoFinance29 days ago

I think having a way to grow back the middle class through crypto is a really good thing and this can happen on a global level which reduces some of the dependency or reliance on Tradfi system. I agree that the powerful of the world were relatively late in realizing the threat that crypto can pose, the boat has already left and there's no way of stopping it now :)


grow back the middle class through crypto is a really good thing and this can happen on a global level which reduces some of the dependency or reliance on Tradfi system

And to think that growing wealth through crypto is not even its primary benefit. The number of sectors and industries crypto can affect through tokenization is incredible. It has also started to influence the way TradFi operates. I hear there are talks of extending the schedule of trading hours for stock exchanges to 24/7 and no holidays. I don't know how serious these talks are, but we know where they might've gotten that idea from. Not from Forex, because that was around for a long time, and they didn't bother changing.

the boat has already left and there's no way of stopping it now :)

The boats can't be stopped now, but wouldn't it be something if they were at the helm of some of the important ones, after all this time where crypto was "the alternative"?

Exactly, in many ways, the underdog has become the top now. Crypto's innovative and rediscovery ability is probably what they're trying to use to face lift the Tradfi system, so to speak.

Right! I think that's a likely possibility, they're already vying to be at the helm of the important ones, becoming the captain of them. In some ways, I think this would work only for awhile, because the community aspects of these projects will not accept a new and perhaps, foreign captain.

I think this would work only for awhile, because the community aspects of these projects will not accept a new and perhaps, foreign captain.

Hopefully. It was the people in the crypto space who almost begged Wall Street to get involved... To get their bags pumped, as it is said. For many, it's all that matters.