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RE: A Little Give and Take

in LeoFinance2 years ago

They are mostly used for things like plagiarism and reward redistribution on some accounts that get a lot of support from blind voters, but it is interesting how some of the larger accounts use them.

I would hope that more people would stop seeing it as a way to make ends meet, as while I understand why many would and do, it is never going to last that way for them as individuals, but they will come to rely on it. This makes their future even harder.


I see. Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed to be left out of that fight. It won't be difficult since I don't receive too many votes from either accounts.

About the second point. It's a hard thing to achieve. I remember that when I had another job, I used to put all my rewards into stake. And I still recommend a lot of people to do it while they can. I believe growing the account is better than milking it for profit. But that's my way of looking at it. Hive might help me down the line to solve an emergency.

Yeah, most people won't have much impact from these types of votes and, they cancel each other out here.

I hope Hive does help people out, but I hope they benefit longterm, so it can be sustainable, not just for a moment.

Oh, yeah. That's the way I see the whole desl with the blog. It isn't a thing for easy profit. That's the beauty of it as well. It needs hard work to get the ball rolling and even more effort to keep it that way. I bet anyone who sees past the needs of the moment would find this piece of the Blockchain an attractive investment.