
Yes I suppose you are right as one never knows. You somehow spring to mind for obvious reasons lol. Lets hope that is never the case though and we can laugh over this having a gin some time. How are you feeling these days any better or still taking time taking it week by week?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, I am case in point I guess :)

Feel okay physically mostly, still struggling with a lot of mental things though. Maybe things will go really well so I don't have to worry about a 9-5 at all, and we can have that gin soon.

Yes things will go really well and I look forward to seeing you at some point. My passport has expired so that is next to get fixed. Funny as travel hasn't even been an option for so long and is still not open for us here. You just get better as that is what really counts.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta