Holy Fook Daddy Is Loaded

in LeoFinance3 years ago


The nightmare words you never want to hear from a family member after spotting something they shouldn't have. My mind was saying lucky you never looked in two or three months time when we have positive price movements.

Finally I have been verified which for me that is a big thing considering what I have been through before with my families help or lack thereof. The last time I asked for technical assistance was back in February 2018 and after asking and asking none was offered. 3 weeks later my Binance account was hacked and what I had asked help on was the 2FA. Not saying it would have helped but believe it could have prevented the theft as how would they move the funds without confirmation.

After literally 16 attempts this morning to verify using the laptop we were asked by Binance support to use the phone instead. I had to take my new phone in to get sim swapped etc and after 3 more attempts it finally worked. This time even with my family saying we will do it tomorrow I kept at them.

I have always been one to see a phone as a phone and not how everyone else seems to use it. Honestly it is a phone and nothing else in my opinion as how many people spend their lives on this tool? Even Binance's KYC whilst doing on the laptop asked me to scan using the phone so they are built around everyone using their phones anyway.

In many ways I am a dinosaur being left behind by not using the phone with all it's various apps. Maybe I will regret not keeping up with the latest trends but honestly many of them just don't interest me. How many people do you know who never joined FaceBook, well I am one of those as I just never saw the point and still don't.

The one scenario I did not want to happen and that was my family seeing what I had in my spot accountant which they saw part of and could see alarm bells ringing. Thank God they never saw the staked part as the "Holiday" word was mentioned. Told you those outside of crypto know Jack about what we are all doing and they scare the bejeezers out of me. This is why I want nothing on my phone as my daughter was helping me and being nosey saw more than she should have. I was called shady for whisking the phone away and to be honest don't really care as crypto is my love and that is the way it is.

If they got excited about a spot wallet imagine if they knew where to look on Hive FFS. This is why sharing can be dangerous and possibly feeding them treats every now and then is the safe option. How weird that we have to keep our Hive operations top secret as no one understands what we do and what value we hold. What they think I am doing Hive for nearly 4 years and I have $100? The less they know the better for now and today was a close call and a reminder rolled up all in one.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Oh shit! Crypto and coffee is going to become a target, and the threat comes from his own blood!

Joke aside, I just saw a post about someone mentioning what happens if I die tomorrow, is there anyone that will be capable of powering down and cash out?

I agree with you though, and its valid for family and friend, the less they know the better!

I actually have someone on here to do the dirty work if required. trust obviously plays a role in who you choose but it could be worth a fortune at some point. I have thought about how to do this and they would cock it up (family). maybe instructions on who to speak to should be left in the safe and will get around to that shortly.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A fun post, and I love the way you framed it, but sooner or later if you are ever to enjoy what you worked for you will have to tell them. :) No one expects to use the 401k for vacation present it as retirement or life changing money

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes at some point I agree, but I am nowhere near ready as this has just started. Honestly they have no clue as they keep thinking I am chasing 5 c on Hive. My journey has just started and have much bigger targets in mind like being able to look after my family properly. A few more years and hopefully I will be there as why dilute something when it is growing. I am not shady lol as that got to me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Never tell - but be prepared for the worst case scenarios too. I have people who have access to parts of my world and can help my wife if the need arises.

Yes I suppose you are right as one never knows. You somehow spring to mind for obvious reasons lol. Lets hope that is never the case though and we can laugh over this having a gin some time. How are you feeling these days any better or still taking time taking it week by week?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, I am case in point I guess :)

Feel okay physically mostly, still struggling with a lot of mental things though. Maybe things will go really well so I don't have to worry about a 9-5 at all, and we can have that gin soon.

Yes things will go really well and I look forward to seeing you at some point. My passport has expired so that is next to get fixed. Funny as travel hasn't even been an option for so long and is still not open for us here. You just get better as that is what really counts.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol eventually you'll have to come out clean though to at least one person, but I have also learned to be silent on not just my crypto investments, but my development moves in general. There are too many within family who serve as spoilers out of concern. I don't need anyone to try and talk me out of something they know little about

Upvoted for never creating a Facebook account

I am really glad that you got your Binance stuff sorted out. That is too bad that they have to be like that. I usually do my best to get my parents tech issues taken care of right away. If we lived closer to each other you could call me your "tech guy". I'd be more than happy to help. I have a few family members that I don't share too much of what I am doing on crypto with for the same reason as you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta