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RE: A simple bear among the complicated bulls

in LeoFinance3 years ago

What is your purpose of hiveing?

There are many reasons. It is a creative output that allows me to process my thoughts. This helps me in many ways. On top of this, there is the sense of being part of a community and interacting with people from all over the world in ways that are impossible under normal conditions. Then there is the economic potential of both personal finance improvement as well as the ability to influence the futures for many people by investigating alternatives to what is a highly broken economic system that is currently in rotation around the world.

From my point of view, it feels like you are hiveing to forget about anger, frustration, and loneliness.

From my point of view - you are quite wrong. If anything, it is quite the opposite, as I don't avoid my own anger, frustration or loneliness. If I do experience these things - I face them and deal with them.

By the way, when I look at you, I feel the sadness and solitude of an Australian wanting to be a European.

What a strange thing to say. Why would I want to be European do you think? Why would I want to be anything other than the best version of myself?

From my point of view, you are like Ishmael, abandoned by Abraham.

I have no idea what these references mean.


Dear my friend @tarazkp, Please understand first that I am a non-English speaking person.
I can't use metaphorical sentences like other English speaking people.
Sorry if my clumsy English sentences made you unpleasant.

You are probably in a very tired and difficult condition.
If you allow, next time I will answer with a more complete English sentence.

I wish your happy and healty!

You are probably in a very tired and difficult condition.

No, I am okay.

Lol you guys talk is so interesting I kinda enjoy reading comments

Comments is where most of the fun is in my opinion - the post is more of a prompt for the comments to stem from. I wish people would comment more of course - but a lot don't see the value in it, despite it being pretty much the only way to build a sense of personality and character. I think this is especially true for the people who do not writ about their own experience.


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