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RE: That cost is sick

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Do you ever get the urge to enter the competitions these days?

What kinds of conditions were getting set?

I feel that people have forgotten how to "dedicate" themselves to something, even something they love. Perhaps life has too many distractions - most of them useless in my opinion.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


What I'm looking for is professional jury judging the entries; organizers using the materials sent only as far as to promote the competition and its sequels themselves, not their entire brand anytime, anywhere, etc.; no entry fee. As of late, it has become the trend to ask the participants to fund the reward pool themselves instead of looking for sponsors. It's been like that most of the time in recent years for artists, as well. Because there are many who would pay to see their thing in an exhibition? Perhaps...

And very few if any national level photo competitions still exist. It's mostly online promotion thing where your friends'votes decide if you should get that product of the organizers or what...

As of late, it has become the trend to ask the participants to fund the reward pool themselves instead of looking for sponsors. It's been like that most of the time in recent years for artists, as well.

I think there is a bundle of things here, but rent-seeking behavior by the organizers is one of them. I am hoping that patronage returns.

Because there are many who would pay to see their thing in an exhibition?

"I'm a published author, I paid for the publishing myself"

How many copies did you sell though?

It's mostly online promotion thing where your friends'votes decide if you should get that product of the organizers or what...

It is quite pathetic - an exercise in vote begging.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yup, I can say I'm happily avoiding that last part for almost a decade, i.e. since first when I experienced a competition with such conditions. It has nothing to do with the subject matter.

By the way, the serious patronage that still remains in the field comes from...The Middle East. The Emirates and Turkey.

The national press photo challenge kind of disappeared which is sad for the whole local (perhaps more than local) field. Equipment manufacturing brands still issue some yearlies...I think. Can't dedicate time to that now. Or won't.