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RE: Too Bearish and too Bullish

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I guess "old" people just want to have peace in life now that we are retired.

Doesn't it add something interesting for "old people" :D

"Greed is good" to some extent, as far as it is one of the reasons that we keep developing and advancing - we are programmed to want more - more of what, well, that is the problem :)


LOL, you are right...

we are programmed to want more - more of what, well, that is the problem.

The earning aspect is one of the reasons, why some continue to post on Hive. Some do it out of necessity to earn extra income....others write out of passion and make it a hobby and at the same time earn from it. I think "old" people just simply avoid the learning process and I think that is not good. If the mind is idle, there is a chance that one could have Alzheimer. TBH, if I would tell you, the husband does not want to learn how to use the cp even if he just needs to click the buttons here and there... The only time he uses a cp is when he needs a confirmation code to process his remittances.... hahaha.

And I am kind of the opposite of him... Though "old" as I am ( I maybe the oldest Hiver on the blockchain at past mid 60 ), I am still learning the ropes of crypto trading and had been quite a bit advance compared to my Hive friends. Knowledge is wisdom!