The Decentralized Franchise of the Future

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Silly "investment" of the day?


Perhaps it is this:

A maxed gold Splinterlands card.

I can't even play it as maxed, considering the highest I play is in the gold leagues and the highest playable level is L8. It is also silly because while I can't play this one, I also can't play this one at max, which I already own.

So why buy?

Well, justify it how I want, the real reason is that I wanted at least one maxed gold card and this one was "cheap" and, I really like the card. Plus, it is fast, has flight and is great for the low-mana games I enjoy playing the most. But at the end of the day, I could have got away with spending much less and getting what I can play.

I have a bit of a dilemma with Splinterlands though. You see, I have come to value ownership a lot and it pains me to have to rent, especially if they are cards I use a lot. I would really love to own more, but I just don't have the funds available to drop thousands into my playing deck cards. However, I am "opening up" to the rental system quite a lot and taking the approach that these cards are like rental cars, if I need a moving van for a day or two, I don't have to buy a van outright. I think that this is quite a good system for the people who are working their way up the leagues and perhaps slowly learning and investing into the cards that they use the most.

I still believe that in the long-run, ownership is very important though, which is why I will slowly expand my own card profile over time. I have bought a few recently, but I think I will wait to see what Chaos Legion has included, as I think that based on the current Reward Cards, they should be pretty decent. However, they aren't going to have a lot of collection power, so that is one factor to consider.

Which is another reason that this is not an entirely stupid purchase.

I paid $215 (I bought it already maxed) for the gold Pelacor Conjurer, and last I checked a maxed normal card was about 75 dollars. So, it is ~23 CP per dollar paid for the gold, and 28 CP for the normal. This is quite a big difference (about 20%), but I don't mind that for a gold, as if it does rent, it should rent for a fair bit more over time, especially if someone is renting for CP at the end of the season. But, this is me justifying it again - the main reason is still to have one maxed gold card - just because.

Isn't it funny? This seems completely ridiculous, but just think how much people spend on a diamond wedding ring, and diamonds are super common, if it wasn't for the manipulated scarcity by the tiny amount of companies in the industry. Back in the day, the "recommendation" was to spend 2-3 months salary on the ring and the concept was that it provided some financial security, but it is very much a scam, as other than the weight in precious metal, the ring itself is very low value. Has anyone tried to sell one? I guess the scam was pretty decent back in the day though, since divorce was rare.

But, the world is changing and what we value is changing along with it, which means a shift in demand. Perhaps 15 years ago, a lot of the people who wanted financial, self-controlled security, they would have bought gold. Now, gold has a digital option, that while not physical, is far easier to manage and use, making it a trade-off in terms of why there is value at all. It might be great to have a stack of gold, but push come to shove, how mobile is it? How practical for daily usage?

The future of investment strategy is going to increasingly put percentage into digital assets of various kinds, and I suspect that even games like Splinterlands are going to get more pure investors involved, where they will buy assets with no intention to play whatsoever. This means that an "investment manager" would need to have an understanding of game mechanics to pick and choose the "stocks" that are the likeliest to give the greatest passive return or appreciate in price. There are many people who do this now for themselves, but increasingly, they will do it for others too, possibly looking to build "managed asset funds" where people are able to buy packs for example in a group, combine cards, rent cards, have jockeys play cards - much like how people invest into stables or racehorses.

This makes for a very interesting future for the gaming industry, as rather than the monetary models for the pros, the spectators will be able to invest into their favorite teams for a return on the outcomes, rather than j7ust gambling as individuals. This is already being seen in professional live sports through crypto, with football teams issuing tokens that fans are able to buy and "stake" to make simple decisions. The teams are also experimenting with issuing the tokens as part of the player remuneration package also.

So, while this purchase is ridiculous and unnecessary for me, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is a bad investment for the future, as over time it will gain value back when I play it (if I win), when I rent it (if not playing), as it appreciates in value as demand increases (it is a good card imo) and perhaps in a future where I am able to put cards into a pool so that a professional players can earn from them, with me taking a percentage cut.

This could work much like a Liquidity Pool setup, except there will be cards staked rather than fungible tokens and in time, entire franchises could be built across them across multiple games and leagues, where the fans are the investors and stakeholders, as well as the consumers. Combine this with streaming services, gambling, merchandising and player and asset trading, and there is the opportunity to build a massive industry that starts to take market share away from the traditional sporting teams, as attention turns elsewhere. It not only offers the same feelings as a sport, but gives a direct ROI, making everyone a part-owner - something that used to be reserved for the insanely wealthy alone, while the best the fan can hope for, is a jersey they paid the same as this card for and next year, they will want to be the new, slightly different version.

Why put more money in the hands of the mega-corps, when we can create our own by putting real value in the hands of the fans?

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think Sponsorship, like in auto racing could be a way forward for people to get into specialization. They have a few different Skins that can be purchased, sponsors could make their own skins keeping in style with the current card, and then people could play the sponsored cards for a split with the owner.

Sponsorship has the potential to be huge in this too. Sporting franchises with millions of owners could have very deep pockets..

I can see it now the Divine Healer with a Red Cross shield on a sponsored skin, or a John Deer Tractor logo on the Lava Tank, subtle but still there advertising a company, bringing additional revenue into the Guilds. Product Placement like in the movies subsidizing the Guilds with additional revenue. Or the builders of the game with additional shared revenue maybe, or they could just keep all the revenue.

Sometimes the only bad investment is not investing in it in the first place.

I think that's a solid choice for a card you have there. It's a decent card overall and when things are out of print, it will be worth a lot more than that. 2 mana, magic reflect and speed up? I know that's one of the cards I have been trying to get as many of as I can. I'm very sad though, I haven't gotten really any gold foils since the new reward editions card came out! I usually get at least a bunch, enough to have an alt account of mainly gold foils.

It would be cool to see how this has changed 1 year from now!

Sometimes the only bad investment is not investing in it in the first place.

Yeah, this is one of those investments for me. dozens of people tried to get me involved, I was too stubborn to even buy a few packs! :D

I'm very sad though, I haven't gotten really any gold foils since the new reward editions card came out!

Me either. I haven't got much of note at all.

I usually get at least a bunch, enough to have an alt account of mainly gold foils.

Wouldn't that be nice :)

It would be cool to see how this has changed 1 year from now!

I don't post about everything I do here, but some things will definitely be interesting to look back on a few years down the track.

Silly "investment" of the day?

You are not in loss unless you sell. That is valid for any investment. I think it is a good idea if you will be able to recieve passive income from those cards.

At the moment, I think the payback period is about a year on it - so not too bad :)

The strongest occurring trend is, that more and more people understand how to differentiate ‚young money‘ earned for time/work and capital gains or yields.

One is for liquidity and one is for sustainability, even if money 💰 of course is highly fungible.

Splinterlands is a great example for this paradigm shift.

  • Hodl for value appreciation (Airdrop and Market)
  • Rent Out for yield
  • Rent in to work with it

What a great game!

There are so many potential streams already, but the more we move forward, the more there will be. This has happened in the finance industry in general for the last 40 years, the difference is, only a few people have been able to participate in that for most of that time.

You are probably right and it makes me feel very unwell.

Silly "investment" of the day?

I was half expecting this post to be about this

You see, I have come to value ownership a lot and it pains me to have to rent

I can relate to this. Not only it is expensive but I also lost many battles because I didn't notice that I no longer have some card rented to me. That is super annoying.

Still I miss diamond/ champion leagues. But it would cost too much DEC to return there. Few seasons with bad or mediocre rewards would really kill my DEC account. So now I play in the damn silver league. Small rewards but at least they are mine...

Lol, hadn't heard of that sale. Not too bad!

will you buy some of the new CL packs to up your owned cards? If you like playing and earning, that might be the way to go.

so far I bought 3 CL packs. Now I am not sure what to do. Maybe I will buy more. Or maybe I will sell remaining vouchers and wait until vouchers will no longer be needed to buy CL.

Or maybe I will sell remaining vouchers and wait until vouchers will no longer be needed to buy CL.

Yeah, this is what I am likely going to do. I think it is a decent way to up the holdings.

Silly investment or not, sometimes these risky/silly buys are what makes you the most ROI if you're lucky. I bought 100 alpha packs and sold 95 when I was low on money for around 2k usd a year and a half ago, a month ago I sold the remaining 5 for the same amount.

There are no silly investments, there are only silly hands that sell when they should hold, or hold when they should sell.

Pretty crazy on the change in prices. I wonder what would have happened if I had got involved back at SF3 days - probably would have had a decent collection by now! :D

At least, I don't think anyone has lost any money - though many have lost potential money by selling earlier.

I like how you made emphasis to diamond and how it's so expensive and how it's purposes can also be overrated.

Rightly so, gaming in general is becoming the new normal, everyone wants those blinking assets that might make them wealthy, thereby creating scarcity in the long run which translates to value. Over 200 for that one, I think no doubt, you made the right choice. Money begats money.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

diamonds are good for drill bits and saws :) If DeBeers flooded the market with what they hold, they would be near valueless.

Let's see if the buy is worth it, but at least it is mine now :)

Let's see if the buy is worth it, but at least it is mine now

Even if its not instantly worth it, at least it's resources ingame on all angles. I'll have that anyday anytime.

Increasing personal resources has certainly changed form a little.

I don't think the speed of the card matters to much since it doesn't have any attack attribute. I could be wrong though. It is a sweet card. I don't think I have any maxed gold cards. Like you I also don't have a high enough summoner that it would matter anyway. I can only get to about Gold II during each season.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't think the speed of the card matters to much since it doesn't have any attack attribute. I could be wrong though.

It is harder to hit and combined with flight, very hard to hit. I have won rounds with it as tank where it hasn't taken a single point in damage. I have a couple maxed summoners (Dice), but not enough play cards to make it in diamond. I struggle in GoldII and still have to rent a few to get in.

Ah okay, that makes sense! yeah, I wish I would have pushed some money into summoners back when they were cheaper.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My summoner game is weak. Maybe there will be something decent in CL

Maybe... I am still stacking my vouchers so I can get some kind of discount.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Come back with your shield; or on it.

Perhaps I should have waited to Hive spiked ;)

Lol. I had your brother's post open too, and replied to the wrong one :)


That is a great pump though. Back over $1. It's been a while.

nice! :)

One card at a time!

I value ownership too and think that is one of the promises of the blockchain - a chance to decentralize and redistribute it in every sector it can be applied

It is going to tear apart the current business model and make all who do not pivot, struggle.

Splinter lands is really difficult for me to continue as a beginner.

I like the idea of having to rent cards. Maybe I might just do that so I can move up in the leagues.

Although, it's annoying that I can't have my cards too.

I also feel that your buying that card is not such a bad investment in my opinion. Although I really don't know so much about the game yet

Although, it's annoying that I can't have my cards too.

Learn what is needed, buy in slowly. When there are packs on offer, grab what you can.

I will follow your advice

When are you wrong, @tarazkp? lol.

Just about everything I've read of yours is coming true. You've been a prophet in the crypto space. 😂

So when you say they'll be doing sports gambling on crypto card games like Splinterlands - I don't doubt it in the least. Hope your investment brings a great return.

How have you been? It's been a while.

You've been a prophet in the crypto space.

And I don't even have to spin it! Maybe I am lucky ;D

How have you been? It's been a while.

not too bad I guess. A strange last six months health-wise, but slowly getting back into the groove.

How are you and are you back now?

"not too bad I guess. A strange last six months health-wise, but slowly getting back into the groove."

I hope it levels out for you! I'll shoot up a prayer if it doesn't bother you... :)

"How are you and are you back now?"

I'm great! And I'd definitely like to start coming back some.

I may not be 100% in the full swing of it right at the moment - but I'd like to start sharing some value from the last couple of years (things I've learned, things I'm working on now, tools to beat addiction, my wife & my journey to fitness... *hint: includes running, overdoing, injury and perseverance... 😅 and stuff like that...)

Plus, I'd love to get back up-to-date with everything going on with Hive. Man... so many amazing people here. Miss it.

TLDR: Hope your health journey gets more steady. And I'm sure you'll see you around... :)


Thanks! :)

It just part of the fun been on splinterland

Yeah, it is fun :)

I should appriciate your skill and thoughts about Hive blockchain and Gaming.The way you invest and focus on particular game shows your faith on splinterland gaming . "The franchise of the future " is really suits well with splinterland and related investment.