Coindesk With Some Accurate Coverage Of Steem

in LeoFinance4 years ago

We know that most in the cryptocurrency world do not understand the difference between Steem and Steemit. Heck, there are many on Steem who do not grasp the difference. The terms are used interchangeably even though they have different meanings. It is understandable since the terms mean different things.

Steem and STEEM along with Steemit/

Nevertheless, the situation with Justin Sun is starting to garner attention. Obviously, he is a name that gets a lot of recognition. Thus, when he put out there Steemit, everything just linked the two.

That said, we might be seeing a change in how things are presented. The move by the Witnesses the other day was certainly done by Steem and was not Steemit.


The softfork got the attention of Coindesk. They put together an article that really captured what took place. Time was taken to understand the events leading up to it along with what was done. It even include a "why" in there.

The people who run the Steem blockchain executed a reversible soft fork Sunday, stopping one of the largest piles of tokens from voting. The move comes days after Justin Sun’s Tron Foundation acquired Steemit, the blockchain’s most prominent app.

"In these early stages the most important task for witnesses [Steem’s version of bitcoin miners or EOS block producers] is to ensure the security of the Steem blockchain. To this end, we have updated to a temporary protective protocol to maintain the status quo currently established in regards to Steemit Inc's stake and its intended usage."

To read full article:

It is good to see someone who writes for the mainstream crypto sites taking the time to learn what is transpiring. The article also contained a good write up about how Steem works.

The last few weeks saw a great deal of publicity for the platform. Sun's purchase of Steemit Inc made people aware that Steem is still around. This latest action, which is getting a bit of coverage, tells everyone that Steem is separate from Steemit and will not take to being pushed around.

How this all works out is anyone's guess. However, it is good to see some coverage and events leading up to people learning we are still here.

Ultimately, this game might be one of longevity. Those blockchains that are able to stick around and keep developing stand a good chance. There are a lot of projects that went silent not only with publicity but also their development. What is happening on them is a fundamental question. With Steem, there is a lot we can point to which shows the expansion of the platform.

We can even look at a game like @holybread which started a couple weeks ago and has close to 2,000 accounts signed up. According to State of the DApps, it is the 9th ranked game. As an aside, Spliterlands is #1 and Nextcolony is #5.

All this shows the degree of success on Steem in spite of being a forgotten and overlooked blockchain.


In spite of it all, Steem still has one of the strongest communities in the entire industry. There are better known blockchains but few (if any) with as many active human users. There are some that do a lot more transactions but much of that is attributed to gambling apps. Steem has actually people posting, interacting, and playing game. While it is nothing compared to the traditional social media world, it put us near the top of the list for all blockchains.

Think about what Sun's motivation was in acquiring it. He went out and purchased a company that provided coding for another blockchain. I am sure Sun has programmers coming out his ear on Tron. Did he need to add another group?

It is becoming obvious that he was targeting the applications on Steem because of the community. That is what he wanted access to. The Steem community has great value, thus he felt he had a way to pull them over to Tron.

Staying power might be Steem's strongest attribute. No matter what happens, we just do not go away.

Sometimes success is a result of pure determined perseverance. It is something that Steem excels at.

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Posted via Steemleo


The move by the Witnesses the other day was certainly done by Steem and was not Steemit.

Thank you for this revelation, this implies that Steem is just a fraction of Steemit. The people who have stayed faithful on the blockchain, who survived both the bear markets and bull run, who had been here right from inception, who refused to pack their bags when expected returns were not coming again. These people matter, they don’t just have stakes here, but they have staked a lot for this platform here.

What Justin Sun needs to constantly be aware of is that, you can’t give a people anything less who had given you everything.

Excellent point you make. Many have given blood, sweat, and tears to Steem.

It is one thing that separates this from a lot of blockchains.

Posted via Steemleo

Totally confused at what to think about sun's true intentions at this point. I believe that the community would have been strong anyways because of the majority stake holders in steem as opposed to steem inc. and the stake he bought? Of course the some 63%(?) that's the community stake which includes developers and active users is stil the majority, so sun could have done whatever. I have a slight feeling that the soft fork and the intention must have been for a good reason. Maybe his intentions to them was considered as malevolent? Going forward it just gives the impression as if a few guys on top of the steem hirarchy(not steem inc) call the shots. I am in some intuitive way not questioning them really, but i had this gut feeling that marrying tron and steem would have been good if it's based on a foundation, a comity and open source and decentralized node network with steem as resource?

You hit the nail on the head. Nobody is sure what Sun's intentions are. However, it is probably safe to conclude that he is dedicated to Tron.

The initial Tweets from him seem to tell this story.

Posted via Steemleo

I have been very surprised by mentions of how Justin bought the platform because of its community, and how we have a lot more users than tron.

I was under the impression that we were a small little monkey living in the jungle. I guess instead we are a great big colony of ants...

Posted via Steemleo

Perceptions can be askew. You would think that by the tone of people on here but when you look at what is truly taking place on other chains, it is not much. Steem is right there with our ability to generate activity from real humans.

Posted via Steemleo

@taskmaster4450, In my opinion first time Mainstream Article put out an clear explanation without any Confusion. In my opinion no matter what, when particular thing is Destined aspect then nothing will stop it from growing and in my opinion Steem Blockchain is a destined aspect and in my opinion it will always be a Decentralised Community Space. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

I had a draft script ready to record for BlockTV News on Sunday but I woke up with a horrible sore throat and couldn't go in to do it. Now I'm going to have to re-work it a little for recording next Sunday to incorporate the news of the soft fork.

There is always news and things changing on Steem. It is rapidly expanding with news all over the place. Much of it relatively minor but, at times, there is a major bombshell in there.

Posted via Steemleo

This really is great publicity for the steem chain. I think it is going to be quite the interesting year for us steemians

I saw that article last night and was going to write a post. Unfortunately I had used up all my cuss words already so I left it alone. You did a great job.. but it needs more cowbell...

LOL. Do you have a cuss word quota/limit @davedickeyyall?

If that is the case I might run out by lunch.

Posted via Steemleo

I ran out yesterday on #themorningbowl lol.. I'm saving today's up for the MLB game.... Go Cubs..


I am a Mets fan...who is the bigger masochist @davedickeyyall?

Posted via Steemleo

Damn. I didn't even know the Mets had fans.

That is what he wanted access to. The Steem community has great value, thus he felt he had a way to pull them over to Tron.

maybe he should be giving us all a tron airdrop instead of the other way around. I would also not be apposed to him taking a bit of the steemit stake and airdrop it onto the Tron community

Posted via Steemleo

The more we have many "trusted" places talk about our blockchain and token, the better I guess.

Posted via Steemleo

It is becoming obvious that he was targeting the applications on Steem because of the community. That is what he wanted access to. The Steem community has great value, thus he felt he had a way to pull them over to Tron.

but he did not take to count that steem people for some strange reason love steem and don't care to move to tron.