The Clearing House Stands Up For Banks And Against CBDCs

in LeoFinance2 years ago

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The Treasury is taking comments, as per President Biden's Executive Order, to take comments regarding a CBDC. The Clearning House has stepped up and commented about the threat a CBDC will provide.

In this video I discuss how we are looking at entities aligning against the politicians and bureaucrats who want a CBDC.

Here is the link to the article mentioned in the video:

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CBDC....??... central bank digital currency...what does that mean?... I get the logic but I haven't gotten a grasp of the base. I see a tree through your glasses and I am guessing you say at the corridor getting a nice view during your recording...why does bankers do not want CBDC??

It’s a digital currency much like we have now with credit cards in the fiat world except it gives them far more control than they’ve ever had up to this point.

They will set up a few classification systems. One will be social credit. One will be “carbon” credit. One will be allowances. One will be medical history.
Your purchases will be made against these classification systems.
If you say something the bureaucrats don’t like on social media, which is linked to your drivers license and real life identity with their plans in mind, you will be penalized in numerous ways. You won’t be able to buy groceries or other key items as punishment for your “bad thoughts”.
There could also be one that prevents you from buying something that you’d like but don’t need such as alcohol. If you step out of line then your alcohol purchase would be denied because it’s not essential to your existence.
If you don’t get the latest vaccine that they tell you that you need to get, for the latest lab-created disease they release onto the world, you will be shut off from your money until you get it. “For your safety” is how they word it but it is not the least bit about safety with any of it.
You are given a monthly amount of money and you are required to spend it. If you don’t spend it all this month next month you will get less as a punishment. This means you won’t save any money and will stay as a poor slave to their system.

All of these situations and far more worse ones WILL happen if we allow these abominations that are CBDC’s to occur. It is the single biggest danger and threat in human history ever. There is unlimited possibilities of what they want to enslave us with and the politicians and rich people will be completely exempt from all of it.

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This ain't good... doing that is enforcing control of lives, thoughts and people...I am not buying that CBDC idea ... it's like shifting a democratic nation into an autocratic one which won't sit well with the people. Woah this is such a massive and detailed explanation of what this CBDC shouldn't happen at all because at the end it would be chaotic and disastrous. Thanks so much for shedding great insight on what this is.

You’re welcome! It’s scary indeed but the best thing we can do is spread this information far and wide and expose how insidious it will be and have us put and keep pressure on banks and governments to keep this abomination at bay and do not implement it.

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A digital wallet makes most of the commercial banking system obsolete.

The bankers do not want this. A CBDC would enable either the central bank or governnment to have direct control over the money supply.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta I see the reason why many folks doesn't want this to happen...we see how it goes then...

It’s good that some are publicly standing up against this abomination. Let’s hope that we can mobilize people against it en mass!

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Bankers dont mobilize people, they mobilize money. That is probably more important.

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Good distinction, they don’t care about people but care about their money.

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I'm glad that you and I have been able to remain sane in the face of all the ridiculous CBDC FUD.

Such sensationalist clickbait perpetuated at the top by people looking to get more engagement. Of course a conspiracy theorist will just be like, "No they're lying they're gonna do it!"

The WEF wants CBDC.
Nobody else wants it.
Only those who control it want it.
It's a few people vs the entire world/country.

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CBDC = Bureaucrats/politicians wet dream

Nobody else benefits including the bankers.

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It seems every government is trying CBDC but immediately they come out the bankers fight it out. In your video, I got a hint of the fact that you are against population control. You put it beautifully when you said who is going to fulfil all the roles in the economy without a population.

I need to do more research on the economic inequalities in the countries you mentioned.

Great post.

Retail CBDCs do not benefit the bankers, at all.

As for population control, we are facing a population crisis, not overpopulation. The reality is that most of the developed world has major demographic issues. What is being espoused is nonsense that started in the 1970s.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As for population control, we are facing a population crisis, not overpopulation.

Especially in developed countries. There is a bit of "overpopulation" in Nigeria mixed with poor wealth distribution/extremely greedy politicians.

The reality is that most of the developed world has major demographic issues. What is being espoused is nonsense that started in the 1970s.

I think we are still seeing the consequences of birth control but nobody likes discussing these things because of the woke mob might come after them

I think it's good that the clearing houses are supporting the banks against CBDC. I prefer the bankers over the politicians because the bankers are after money but the politicians are after control/power.

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In this video, Task discusses the topic of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and the differing opinions surrounding them. He talks about the stance of various central banks, including the Federal Reserve, and highlights the opposition from banks towards CBDCs. Task emphasizes the power struggle between bankers and politicians, pointing out the risks associated with politicians seeking to control the money supply through CBDCs. He also touches on the potential economic consequences and societal impacts of politicians having control over monetary policy.

Detailed Article:
Task opens the video by addressing the ongoing debate surrounding Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), noting the divided opinions among different players in the financial industry. He highlights that while many believe in the potential of CBDCs, major central banks like the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan have shown little interest or have even abandoned their CBDC projects.

The discussion then shifts towards the role of politicians in advocating for CBDCs, contrasting their interests with those of traditional banks. Task points out that while bankers are primarily profit-driven, politicians seek power and control over the money supply. He mentions an article from Cointelegraph that highlights the stance of the clearinghouse, a system owned by banks, against the issuance of a CBDC in the US. This opposition signifies banks' reluctance to adopt CBDCs due to the potential risks outweighing the benefits, in their view.

Task then delves into the dynamics between banks, cryptocurrencies, and decentralized finance (DeFi). He explains how digital wallets and tokenization are impacting traditional banking services, leading to competition between banks and fintech startups. Despite acknowledging the flaws and corruption within the banking system, Task argues that the control of the money supply by politicians through CBDCs could have severe economic repercussions.

The video concludes with Task cautioning against the dangers posed by politicians having control over fiscal and monetary policies. He expresses concerns about the negative impact of CBDCs on economic growth and prosperity, drawing parallels with historical examples like the Soviet Union and Venezuela to illustrate the potential pitfalls of political interference in the economy. Task underscores the significance of the clearinghouse's support for cryptocurrencies as a positive indicator in the ongoing debate surrounding CBDCs.

In essence, Task's analysis sheds light on the complexities surrounding CBDCs, presenting a critical viewpoint on the power struggle between bankers and politicians and the potential consequences of centralized control over the money supply.

Notice: This is an AI-generated summary based on a transcript of the video. The summarization of the videos in this channel was requested/approved by the channel owner.