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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: Cubfinance V2 Day #3 (09/22/21)

You have to love the fortitude and determination of the President of El Salvador.

That is going to open up many doors for others to follow simply because it will likely set of FOMO.

I dont know how much BTC they bought but wait until the stories are posted all over the place about how El Salvador made so many millions of dollars off their Bitcoin holdings.

Imagine if the country is up like $10 million be the end of the year.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


[1/2] The President of El Salvador made a point to announce on Twitter that "El Salvador bought the dip." He also announced that the El Salvador government now owns 750 BTC at the time of that tweet.

He's a crypto enthusiast who happens to be a politician, rather than a politician. There is a distinction between the two descriptions.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

750 BTC? That is over $30 million based upon a $42K price.

If we hit $80K, that would be near $60 million. Not bad for a country of 6.5 million people and for a couple months return, if we get there.

That will open some eyes.

Of course, as @dagger212, perhaps the capital of El Salvador should just bring out a CityCoin. Mayor Suarez is pulling in like $2K every 10 minutes (24/7/365).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like the sound of "Bukelecoin" for this suggested city crypto. "San Salvador Coin" is a bit clumsy for speech and for print.

As for MiamiCoin, I wonder how many coin holders actually reside in Miami or work out of Miami? Mayor Suarez is a trail blazer showing us how it can be done.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I heard they started with about 150 BTC and then close to the launch they had around 400 and now it seems they are over 700 BTC.

I imagine they're still buying the dip so who knows how much they will have in a couple of weeks

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

[2/2] While surfing through D.Buzz I saw a picture of the tweet which showed the 750 BTC and his other comments. I should have taken the URL of that image when I had the chance, so now I'm hunting for it. This could take me a while.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta