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RE: Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): Changing The Nature Of Labor

I love the idea of getting paid in a token issued by the DAO I would be working for , that is great if its value keeps stable o raises ,but what about if the token value depreciates itself ? many people now work for a fixed income , would they accept the risk?

Market prices go up and they go down. Of course, if it does go down there is that risk. The individual would be free to sell the token if he or she desired. However, you raised the concept of "income", negating to focus upon the ownership aspect.

If one wants to sell the token, that is his or her right. However, all benefits of having stake are immediately negated.

As for governments, they are not part of the equation. They cannot handle anything that is decentralized. A DAO, by definition, is outside of the control of any government. Look at the DAO on Hive: no government can tough what is distributed in payouts to the proposals that the community decides to fund.

That is where they are going to run into issues. A true DAO causes government impotency. It is only those entities that have centralization which are masked as DAOs which have issues.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta