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RE: Boosting LeoFinance Visibility! 2800+ Tweet Impressions & 3400 Profile Visits

Tweeting is a good way to drive some traffic. I am not sure it does a lot in terms of the ranking overall. However, it is one of those blind squirrels. You simply never know when someone with a decent following will retweet something.

With the Ad revenue model presently employed, traffic has to have a bearing on that. It is vital to generate however we can.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yup, Twitter has basically an unlimited source of traffic. We just have to point people in the right direction and get some of the traffic to LeoFinance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It will come. We keep hammering these points home and some will start to take notice.

Hell I am adding more Leofinance links to my posts, hoping to increase the ranking of come of those articles.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

While some are doing a lot of heavy-lifting, others are not lifting a finger. It's the disappointing reality we face. Hopefully, we'll see new people coming in with new visions and mindsets.

That's probably our best bet at this point. To teach newcomers how this thing works.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

To teach newcomers how this thing works.

They are probably overwhelmed with all that is going on. Think of how much they are trying to figure out. The best bet, in my view, is to shake the tree of people who are here by dropping tidbits or suggestions into their posts.

We also can enhance things in the comment section by linking too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I want to believe that you are right, but I've been losing hope more and more. It doesn't feel possible to change people's engagement behaviour- or lack of engagement-behaviour. Active people and newcomers to LeoFinance seems to understand the importance though, they seem to care which is awesome to see.

Hopefully, you're right though, and we'll see a huge boost in the near future. People should care, because they will do themselves a favor.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It depends upon who picks up on certain things.

Keep in mind, to double our engagement will only require another half a dozen active commenters.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Keep in mind, to double our engagement will only require another half a dozen active commenters.

True. But it also "only" require that the active ones we have does 2x more than previously. ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We need to adopt new tactics because there are too many obstacles for us to pump the engagement without paying for promotion.

It's an uneven playground where Twitter has absolute power over what's to be heard and what's to be left out.

As I already commented, the Leofinance (Hive) community should vote in 10 ambassadors that'll make genuine connections on Twitter, and build a solid foundation for future businesses.

It's not important whether the projects are big or small, it will make a difference over time. It's worth reminding that once a project reaches critical mass, things tend to grow exponentially.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hard to take that approach when most on Hive (Leofinance) will not even engage in some basics that can help things out.

The idea about Twitter shadowban is sensible yet few even promote Leofinance (without the Hive tag), Actifit, CTP, or any of the others.

And we all know the situation with commenting.

Sadly, until the basics are covered, all ideas concerning attention is for naught.

Of course, there is still the onboarding issue too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Without a strategy, every attempt of spreading the awareness remains pointless or at least a lot less efficient.

Axiebuzz did a great job in that aspect.

We should be more involved in other projects and share the value between each other.

Now imagine if we had 10 or 20 similar members doing the same.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Without a strategy, every attempt of spreading the awareness remains pointless or at least a lot less efficient.

That is life in decentralization. Complex system do not operate the same as centralized ones. They tend to be defined in their focus and what they are doing. We are seeking organic growth from many who have different interests and abilities.

So trying to get people together in the form of committees and united members tends to not work. Axiebuzz was something someone set up that people joined, similar to @leomarkettalk. But the participation is up to individuals.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta