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RE: The LeoFinance Optimization Progress Over The Last 10 Weeks

Great update. It is terrific that we keep adding a couple hundred keywords a week. That is rather impressive considering where we started.

It would be great to see what they are although I guess it is immaterial since they change so quickly.

All we can do is to keep posting new relevant content and try to highlight things as best we can.

Links to other Leofinance content within here is also a good way to keep the search spider bouncing around for a while.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It would be great to see what they are although I guess it is immaterial since they change so quickly.

You mean all the keywords? - It doesn't matter too much as there usually just a "handful" of keywords who actually brings "decent" traffic so to speak. We don't have much organic traffic to LeoFinance yet either, but I'll let you in on the details in my next post.

I'll give you keywords, our top pages and I can even throw in some "content ideas" about splinterlands & axie infinity just for fun. ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta