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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: We Do Not Like Cryptocurrency Regulators (09/23/21)

That is true and that is the idea behind it. When the debt (HBD) gets too high, then we create more Hive. So that will also help to offset it over time.

A quick price move will change it a lot quicker though. LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think it's also because HIVE is deflationary right now. The 3 HIVE used to "buy" new accounts gets burned so with all the accounts Splinterlands is opening, there's a LOT of HIVE coming out of the supply. 10k new accounts per day equals 30k HIVE burned...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea that makes sense... that's a lot of Hive burned

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta