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RE: LeoThread 2023-04-25 07:59

I am mixed on this. Could be a nice incentive. Have to make it high enough that it is a stretch so not every Tom Dick and Harry can spam. But you want to provide the ability for more than 3 people to do it.

I like the whitelist idea.


I think we could have something with both

A whitelist feature to allow extras to be added + a global feature to only allow “verified” users to do it

Get verified by holding more than X LEO POWER

A combination of both could be interesting.

You are right, we can encourage more LP being held by adding more feature available based upon ^ LP. That is how people buying the coin is fostered.

Give them a reason to acquire it.


Somewhat of a freemium model. Since people who don’t have enough $LEO POWER can still post links, they just won’t get the same exposure as people who have enough LP

Do a combo ratio...perhaps some type of weighted scale.