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My devices recharge at a plug point... this is where I recharge! 😉😎

same, the best place to charge!

The only way mate!

I need this right now. My phone power is almost dead. Can I charge it here too? 😉
#sad #emotionsandfeelings #replyto5 #threads247

Am digging the grave here #threads247

Digging grave, how?

For you battery and phone about to die

Not for my phone biko. This phone that I'm managing to #engage in #threads, you want to bury? E no go work 😂

Hahahah, if it eventually die, I will bury it. But to accept your #apology, make sure it doesn't die, because I want you to #threads247

Apple charger?

I guess it's for all chargers.

Has #peakmonsters been hacked? What's going on? #splinterlands

I haven't heard anything... got any news on this?

I'm trying to understand the problem now. Prices on buy and sell orders seem very low. I also had buy orders and they were fulfilled, but more DEC was taken from my account than I set in my buy orders.

If the DEC in my account wasn't over, maybe my other buy orders would have been filled. Or I wonder if I'm wrong.

👇 👇 👇

what do you mean?


I made an explanation on Threads, you can check the link.

Today I lost 1146.9 LEO, which by accident been transferred to a ghost account @one
Sometimes shit just happens...


Oh my gosh. So sorry for your loss. You will get it back in no time.

#freecompliments #threads247

Yeah, in 24 hours

I'm glad to hear that

Ah shit. I've done that. Where were you trying to send it?

Sorry that happened.

It was one-day rewards for Hive delegation. Every morning I'm sending them from onealfa to onealfa.leo, before powering all up.
I have no idea how today my destination address got shortened to just 3 letters. To bad such acct already exist

RIP just burned some LEO maybe

Opera has released its new #browser, Opera One with generative AI and many new features. #news #opera #ai

gotta try this out!

I really liked it, it's really great.

might give Brave a run for its money

I also use Brave. Frankly, opera, chrome and brave are always open on my computer. 😀

Opera also works with the chrome keychian, I use it every day.

I use Opera too, but opera one is really great. I'm trying it now and it's so fast

Supposed to have a major IRL deal close on the 5th of May

Planning to throw it all into #HBD savings, $HIVE POWER and BHBD-BUSD

Listening to the #ama. Some of the gamification based upon LP. What if it is split among mutliple accounts?

it’s account by account

Delegations still need to be added to the UI

But if you delegate all your LEO POWER, the delegator account will be considered the ultimate holder of that $LEO POWER

Ah ok. That makes sense.

Hive @keychain are cooking something BIG! What do you think they are working on?

#hive #community #comingsoon #news #hivenews

Honestly I rather keychain just remain simple and easy the more they add to it the more the complexity and the more it could break or be hacked etc.

i agree with you on that. Keep it simple. security is key.

Making browser section better would be cool but not sure.

Some dapps are not integrated so thats why they dont work well. Thay are working on it.

Would be nice to have #Threads integrated as if I would use twitter.

Can't predict.. looks cool to me!

Waiting for their big announcement!

We think it is Multichain related 🤑

I have no idea. Do not pay enough attention.

I will say they seem to be added more features of late. Lets see what comes out.

Indeed, we can only sit and watch. But projects that dont evolve and grow usually die, so they need to keep developing and find ways how to connect hive.

And here we are... It's 12 days since the last #cub burn


This could be big if we can force there hand. Also comes right after Gary got hammered in Congress.

Absolutely. May be now things can be better as Gary is out now

This is a right step in a right direction. Let's pray something positive comes out of it

You are right and if more exchanges do the same then it will create pressure

I think so too.

yes the aroma is so enticing

What is the difference between roasted and baked peanuts?

What a powerful advice and suggestion. Honestly, writing #goals down in black and white helps. Since I started it, it's actually working for me that's why I can now #threads247 #leo

I like potatoes especially when fried with some fried egg

and ketchup

Hive's motto should be "Innovation never ends " we get introduced to new stuff everyday and its amazing😄

#ladiesofhive #replyto5 #culture #liotes

It is truly amazing what is being created. We are in an era where a great deal of stuff will impact society in major ways over the next few ways.

And I’m proud to be present in this era😃

Amazing motto

Yeah thanks 😃

Here is the #threadcast for the #nymets vs. the #nats.

Lets go @jimmy.adames

horrible way to start a home stand against an inferior team @taskmaster4450le

The game was a dud. Hope #senga bounces back and has a good game tonight.

We need zeroes from Senga and the hitting to blast off on the (g)Nats @taskmaster4450le

Verlander is making a rehab start on Friday @taskmaster4450le

Where is he doing that? Syracuse?

Making this guy look like vintage Maddux.

Come on guys.

go nyc

Here is the Mets lineup

Love seeing Baty settling in as the starting 3rd baseman @taskmaster4450le

Baty and Alavarez are the future.

Also Guillorme getting more starts, but I’m feeling Vientos heading to the majors soon. Not to mention they are having Mauricio second base in the minors. The youth infusion is percolating @taskmaster4450le

Here is the Nats lineup:

Butto starting tonight for the Mets.

McNeil is on fire. Raised his BA 80 points over the last 8 games.

Nice to see Alvarez in there after a team day off yesterday.

The Mets won 14 out of 19 last year against the #nats.

Lets keep it up for this year. Sweep these guys.

Jose Butto against a rather weak Nats lineup.

Butto starts off the game with an out.

That is the way to do it.

This #nats team is a lot different from what they had a few years ago.

Martinez has really been given not a lot to work with.

The story of so many teams that win it all and have to tear it down @taskmaster4450le

Yeah. Old man Lerner just died.

I wonder how long until the family puts the team on the market to sell.

Hit hard but Pete was up to the task.

Nice start for Butto.

Always good to put a zero up in the top of the first.

Now lets see the bats come to life.

On April 25th, 1986, the New York Mets played against the Philadelphia Phillies at Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Ron Darling pitched a complete game. You don’t hear that much if at all anymore @taskmaster4450le

It was expected back then.

Now pitchers believe 5 IP is a good start.

Nimmo overmatched there.

Marte with a weak AB there.

Weak ABs by the #mets there.

they need to crush this team

Yes and Butto not making it very easy.

A tale of two innings it seems.

that kid Ruiz is pretty good but we can’t lose to this team at home and we are on a losing streak. Must Crush Them. @taskmaster4450le


You see they have Mauricio playing some 2B in Syracuse.

The guy keeps ripping the cover off the ball, they will be forced to bring him up.

Baty should have had that to start with but good hustle. Dumb move by the run.

I thought the #nats didnt hit HRs.

He crushed that.

Gary looking to jinx the Mets.

Alavarez doesnt look lost behind the plate.

He knows what he is doing.

Guillorme is just smooth out there in the field.

Maybe Pete will tie this sucker up.

Damn that was an awful AB.

4 weak ABs so far.

Holy hell Batman. What is wrong with these guys.

they are sleepwalking @taskmaster4450le

This guy is pounding the zone.

There goes the no hitter.

At least Vogey got on. Now Baty up. Lets see the kid turn this around.

They need to lay off the cutter.

Come on Butto. Repeat the firstn inning. 1-2-3.

Keith saying it always took him a game to get back into sync when returning from the west coast.

Gary's world is breaking apart since he forgot his scorecard.

A nice attempt at a dp there. Ball just not hit hard enough.

I dont recall Butto being this wild.

Need to get out of this inning.

Unreal. Thought they could manufacture runs.

Hopefully Alvarez can turn one here.

Gelbs is still a goof.

Another K.

5 first time through the lineup. The team is still suffering some jet lag.

Nimmo being Nimmo.

This might be one of those games where you want to forget. Just not their night.

At least he got out of it. Need the bats to wake up.

Lindor might need to sit for a day or two.

Baty giving them some life.

Need Alvarez to come up big here.

Alvarez with some wheels.

Nimmo being Nimmo.

Need Marte to come up big.

Damn Marte.

Came up small there.

Well this wasnt their night.

I don't like baseball but I like threads. Had to upvote!

Done with the day. Still waiting for the Leo podcast. Going home and time to relax and write a leofinance post based on my thread experience #threads247

what do you think about allowing only Lions + (15,000 LEO POWER or more) to post links on #threads when “Hide Threads including links” is enabled?

Effectively creating “Hide threads including links from non-lions”

I think filtering should be deeply developed, because, "Latest" is good for overall engagement, connecting with new users. Trending is good to see popular content, Following - self explanatory, but having like further narrowing down helps

yeah this is all a process of building more filtering layers and better overall engagement

Love this idea, stake2promote.

100% for this, wen stake voting so my vote overlords over everyone else's?

stake voting on Polls soon ™️

I think Lions is pretty High Status.

Cub status seems more reasonable.. won't make Poor or rich difference.

What about deciding through #polls voting?

yeah I could see that

Maybe CUB status is better we could also add multiple options so users can decide which is the minimum status to see links from


Looking forward to try filtering feature (soon).

It seems good but might need to be adjusted as growth and price increases as it will become harder and harder to get those levels of LEO.

yeah for example wen $LEO hits $1, it’d be $15k just to post links

We can recalibrate later but 15k LEO is super cheap rn

600$ is 1 week check before taxes on a 15$per hour job if you can get a full 40 hours fed min wage in us is 7.15$ so 286 before taxes
many Hive uses are not in the US so even more of a strain,
cheap to some is a mountain to others

very true

I am mixed on this. Could be a nice incentive. Have to make it high enough that it is a stretch so not every Tom Dick and Harry can spam. But you want to provide the ability for more than 3 people to do it.

I like the whitelist idea.

I think we could have something with both

A whitelist feature to allow extras to be added + a global feature to only allow “verified” users to do it

Get verified by holding more than X LEO POWER

A combination of both could be interesting.

You are right, we can encourage more LP being held by adding more feature available based upon ^ LP. That is how people buying the coin is fostered.

Give them a reason to acquire it.


Somewhat of a freemium model. Since people who don’t have enough $LEO POWER can still post links, they just won’t get the same exposure as people who have enough LP

Do a combo ratio...perhaps some type of weighted scale.

good way to cater to existing user base

I think it actually can open it up to new people too. Incentive to stack $LEO

I think links from but lion's and non lion's should be limited so as to have more original threads that enhances engagement than just link dropping, we all need to engage more for the growth of threads "my humble opinion*

agreed. We already filtered out all links but I think some links are fine. It’s just the bottom feeders that need to be filtered out

Okay it's a good idea, we do all to get the best

In my attempt to promote threads take their time to understand threads so for noobs it could be like x months of premium free with all the good stuff rolled before the restrictions rolled in by then they r already hooked n ready to power up

interesting idea

I don't think that's a great idea. It is like punishing users for not having certain LP.

it’s not punishing them but it’s disallowing people who have no stake in $LEO

Also, they can still post links, but if the user decides to filter out people who don’t hold LEO and are posting links then they won’t see them

Yeah okay, that makes sense. We are not censoring anyone but having a feature where users can toggle the switch. Did i get it right?

for example, I want to see Lions who post about privacy, but not necessarily hashtagging privacy on all their posts, or, something that isn't in the trending tags, but is important to me

what’s a possible solution you have in mind for this?

maybe just more options under "Filter" but perhaps it could text-tag, like outside of hashtags, if someone regularly posts about a topic and includes keywords - so maybe a Keyword search?

Yes. Good Idea

  • Post a link 15,000 Power
  • Post a text another 15,000 power
  • Post another link, another 30,000 power
  • Post a poll, another 50,000 power

I like where this is going
Looks like, I'll have to switch back to Twitter ..

LOL sarcasm noted and feedback appreciated. Have a great day! ☀️

It will discourage many that are lion and they contribute the largest percent of Leothreaders.

this could be a solid incentive to power up

Even bad links could have 15k Leo.

My me I wud plead for a while others should be allowed because not all hands are equally alot of people would love to invest in purchasing Leo in order to be a lion but no money but trying to build up through

Man coming into the office is a bummer. I also forget to come here because it is a bit harder on my iPhone: but let’s check some #threads

Are you working from home?

I was for a while but not anymore. I was on Twitter and was like let’s go check treads and found out there is some cool new filters

Hey! Might have some photos of you stored in your phone? Wanna join LOH 131? Check mine 👇

#ladiesofhive #loh #gosh #hive #gm #

No excuses, just results!
Download Actifit NOW!

#actifit #leofinance #leoglossary #hive #blogtoearn #move2earn #AFIT

Get fit!

Keep it up 💪

Hey it looks like me...Honest!!!!

hard work will always give the best results💪
Stay fit

Actifit on Threads! Wow. Welcome!

Thanks @idksamad78699 happy to be everywhere😁
Thanks for welcoming us ❤️

Hive is down tonight. Buy as much as you can before it get back.

This is not financial advice. LOL

Idk.. it kinda looks like financial advice to me

Are you sober?

I gave up sobriety for Lent.

I didnt know you were Catholic. LOL

I'm not.. Athiest

What should be done in this case?

Don´t miss "Talk Time with Tengo" in 35 minutes in the Ecency Discord! :) #raven #ecency

Anyone know what the hell happened to $CAKE?

#PancakeSwap #CAKE #crypto #charts #technicalanalysis

Someones lock period contract expired? lol no idea I was honestly hoping we would see cake over $10 by now.

wow that’s wild

I was JUST talking to my friend, Stefano about this very thing, because I was analyzing the DEX volumes from last night. PancakeSwap eclipsed Uniswap in tx throughput, even though the $ was lower

Hand't considered that, but yeah someone just commented that it could have been the V3 migration that led to selling pressure

the V3 migration probably all the unlocking and cutting losses?

Looks like not enough baking soda.

Primetime, Deion Sanders is now head football coach at Colorado and had 18 players enter transfer protocol.

He seems to have opened the door for exodus.

#football #sports

The Buffaloes will still miss the playoffs

I couldnt even tell you what conference they are in.

Are they PAC10?


LOL I dont even know how many teams are in it.

I just listened to the @leofinance video on Ad revenue, and it is exciting, to learn about the new appearance, but also about polling the community about Ad appropriateness. It is a progressive step empowering the community.

I will have to listen to the #ama but ad revenue is an exciting component being added to LeoThreads.

I think it is exciting because of the promise of commuity control, but also because of value it can bring to the token. I wonder if the revenue will make it's way back to the community eventually as some form of dividend to Leo holders?

Just need to start seeing numbers so investors can make projections on the traffic that is needed to generate enough demand for a base price to be put under LEO from the buybacks.

Agreed, numbers are always important and can be used to fine tune the project.

I remember when BTC broke 30K, I thought to myself "This is it, bear market over. Mic drop." In hindsight I think I dropped the mic too soon. 🤣

I dont think you were along on that one.

Never ever drop your mic again. Hold on to it real tight :P

I don't know Python, but PyScript looks like something anyone can use from the desktop, with no server needed:

(hat tip to @oaldamster)

#gosh #programming #coding

When Python software is easy to port over to PyScript then that will create a lot of new sites.

And there are Hive Python libraries too. Which might be a chance for Hive developers to make webprojects that they normally would not be able too.

I used leodex to sell and swapy okens today, I was so happy that I can do that, I commend myself #crypto #leo #threads #threads247

Very good. That or tribaldex allow you to do that.

Tribaldex okay I will try it, and see how to do more better, we learn everyday

I literally came across a YouTube video with the thumbnail... "How #xrp gets to $100,000". No need to say anymore...

I mean I don't like XRP personally but I do support their lawsuit against the SEC. But there are people just nutz about the XRP price for some reason lol

I mean $100 000... it's under 50c

but ser it will

Yeah, maybe in 100 years or so😉 Has he worked out the market cap on that... it's in the sextillions...

Does that qualify as "clickbait"?

Just unbelievable that people actually take this stuff seriously...

My next article will be $HIVE to $100K by next Thursday.

I might make a video by the same name.

🤣Won't miss it for the world...🙃

Say happy birthday to the bad guy and the legend AL PACINO! He's 83 years old today. Despite popular opinion. Scarface with Al is my favorite movie of all time. It's a ghetto thang lol. AL.png

He was powerful in so many films.

Very diverse talent. Hard to overlook The Godfather. Was also great in On Any Given Sunday.

A plethora of flicks by the legend. Add Serpico and Dog Day Afternoon to the mix @taskmaster4450le

He is the great. Memorable performances in many movies.


Wow I have missed thread 😞 today, how are we doing, it has been a long day.

A lot going on. Always a good day to Thread.

Engagement is always fun.

I was threading in and out today at work because I know I was missing the fun.

You never want to miss the fun.

We ready for some more playoff hawkey today?


I dont follow it closely but it looks like the NY teams are in a bit of trouble.

The Rangers are still well in their series with NJ. At 2-2 and the more experienced team, you could make a case that they're now favourites to progress.

Isles are just happy to be here haha.

I dont follow. Werent the Devils in the playoffs too. I know that is Jersey but close enough for government work.

Yep, the Devils are playing the Rangers 😉.


Wild again getting bent over by the stripes.

You watching any of the games?


Boom 💥 50% move down in one session! #Banks #BigShort #SGS
#OneRepublic #Regional #Markets

Good morning.
Anything crazy out here?

Yeah, @taskmaster4450le.

That guy is crazyyyyy!

awesome crazy, that is what he is.

Total nut! That's why we love him 💖

GM to you. A lot to mention, lol! Enjoy your day :)

So this is my second attempt today to post a thread. Using Brave mobile browser on Android phone. The first time I put too many characters in the box but after I deleted some, it still wouldn't post. So I refreshed and had to start again.

You did it this time. So you seem to now have it down.

ha ha epic. I am not Far-ming but I am Far-thing

Hehehehe this is nice😁😃


Curation on Leo Finance is about to get revamped.

Get ready for Curation on LeoFinance 2.0

I hope you've been threading!

what about it?

I am not sure. What level of threading is considered threading?

Have I been threading?

well, hope this new revamp meets me well...haha

#hive's price is now sitting at 200 MA. In the stock market, when such a thing happens, technical analysts anticipate the sudden appearance of supporters or buyers. Is such an indicator applicable to the crypto space?

I would say it is a tough comparison for something like Hive. The volume is so low relatively speaking that I dont believe that TA is as applicable as more heavily traded assets.

There are some analysts who say that TA is all about reading the emotion that drives the market price.

That is what markets are: driven by fear and greed.

what are some ways you think we could improve long-form content on LeoFinance Alpha?


The only reason I'm not using it is that I'm waiting for the canonical to switch to

I'm actually looking forward to properly giving the new UI a chance for long form :)

When you do use it, feel free to drop some #feedback

I’m really looking for ways we can improve content discovery on the explore page (in particular) but also just all-around feedback

Yep, my initial thoughts are displaying content by project, rather than just trending/new.

But that relies on people properly tagging, which I'm not sure how you can force.

Add Leoglossary linking to it.

Crazy how exhausting vacations are even though they're relaxing lol

And then you want to get home.

Hotels are nice...for a while.

I'm surprised #Bitcoin SV is still in the Top 100! However, trading volume is nowhere, relative to other projects of equal market cap.

Amazing how the name carries things.

I have 50+ tabs open on my phone browser

but why? 🙈

I use about 10 frequently, use 5 others from time to time, others are tabs I’m probably learning something from or opened to check for later.

on your phone? I am that millennial who cannot use phone for more than 5 applications ☝️🎭🙈

yes lol on my phone

I cant fault you for that. I do the same thing.

your pc about to crash

a journey of 1000 threads starts pretty early 🙈☝️😇🎭🌱

How do we calculate it?

I use peakD analytics page on number of comments made. I typically only thread and it gives me my roundabout numbers.

Yes it does. I should get a decent number today.

yeah, the threadcast could be engaging.

The debt will only grow larger from here, @taskmaster4450le

#debt #fiat #US #visualcapitalist

True but the debt itself isnt the problem since it is collateral and is not going to be paid back. Where it will become is an issue is in servicing. as that goes up, more of the economy has to go there, stalling growth.

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