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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: Cubfinance V2 Day #3 (09/22/21)

Publicity stunt?

Do you think anyone is going to head to the pictures?

I kind of thought they were dying before COVID. Now, my presumption is that they are about dead. We even see many of the movie studios sending films direct to streaming.

Accepting DOGE when people arent showing up means little.

What are your thoughts?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Dodge to $1 I probably should buy some but I just can't bring myself to do it.

I can't bring myself to buy any meme coins either. If it goes to $1, I predict Elon Musk will get richer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

He is getting richer even without DOGE.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If Dogecoin doesn't do it for you, there is always Shiba Inu.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh no, don't say that! That token is insane :(

Dogecoin is Pound Sterling compared to Shiba Inu. It's the standard by which many other altcoins are compared. It's not as great as Bitcoin or Ethereum, but it's not dreck, either.

As for Shiba Inu, earlier tonight on D.Buzz I posted this image:

[ "SHIB TOKEN" sticker slapped outside the entrance to a bank's ATM lobby ]


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Haha you took that?

The SHIBA mafia hitting the streets for some guerilla marketing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I took that picture 2 weeks ago. I haven't seen anything else from them. The Shib Army is real.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I will miss that one too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LOL I hear you. I have not nor will I get involved in DOGE.

It could moon and make people zillionaires, I just wont be one of them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I knew about Dogecoin as far back as 2014 when it was only known as a joke and Bitcoin was bumming around in the USD hundreds. I didn't do anything then.

Fast forward to Spring 2021, and Dogecoin is in the news not only for its ATH but also for its Top 10 ranking in market cap. This move prompted me to look into crypto-generating social media, which led me to Steem, and that led me to Hive. You know the rest.

It's because of Dogecoin that I'm on Hive and earning LEO.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah well perhaps by 2025, Hive will be spoken about like those two coins.

We will see what happens. There is a lot going on that can propel us forward.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

4 years is 2 lifetimes in crypto. It will be a whole new ball game then. I hope to see Hive as an acknowledged leader in crypto.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It would have made sense in 2018 or even 2019. In the world of 2021 as it is, not so much.

If streaming services or cable companies accepted payment in Dogecoin (DOGE), that's a different matter; that seems to make more sense. Likewise with Netflix or Amazon Prime.

If the can make it work with DOGE, they can add BTC and ETH to appeal to a larger base. Adding HIVE would be icing on the cake.

If cryptocurrency is going to be used to accept payment for box office tickets or streaming services, it may even be an opportunity for Terra (LUNA) to cross the Pacific to enter North America.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The ONE thing DOGE has going for it is unit bias. I doubt there is really anyone out there who ever thinks it's going to moon. But, it could go up and down between 10 cents and 60 cents over and over again for years. If it actually develops into something that could be used for payments, I think a lot of the younger generation will use it. It's one thing when you buy something for $50k and it goes to $30k. Everyone thinks the sky is falling. But if you buy something for 50 cents and it goes to 30 cents? Meh. Who cares? It will go back up. It's only down 20 cents....

Percentages are exactly the same but the unit bias allows people to casually brush it off. That and the fact that they'll only put a couple hundred bucks or less in it so...they don't win or lose much either way. And if they can actually use it to go to the movies? So much the better.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well said. I didn't know much about unit bias until I got into crypto but that's a very accurate description of how it takes place around here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am surprised despite being more value than DOGE, the crowd continues to ignore the HIVE and HBD, is there anything in community that is going wrong and keeping people away?

I think the network effect has not kicked in yet so we don't have enough visibility yet.

That started to change with Splinterlands and upcoming projects such as Project Blank should help even more.

It's not necessarily a bad thing to fly under the radar for now, especially for those of us who are still building up our stake. It will be much harder to do that once Hive goes mainstream so I'm taking the opportunity to that now

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Absolutely correct Tulio. For now being under the radar is definitely an accumulation opportunity for us here already. We all should be taking advantage of it and powering up as much Hive as we can.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's one thing for Hive to as the projects it has (especially #ProjectBlank and SPKNetwork). It's another thing for people to know about them.

At the moment, Hive is in the forrest where no one hears it falling, while other cryptos which are light on development are having fun at Burning Man or Sturgis.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I doubt it will do much. The physical theaters are pretty much dying after the internet and streaming services came online. You can generally just build your own comfortable setup at home and technology has made it so that there is little difference when compared to being there in person.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I thought they were as good as dead as well

It's really not my thing. I might lose by staying on the sidelines but I prefer to put my money on HIVE and LEO right now

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta