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RE: Leo Talk 6/13/21 - Come Join Our Chat

This is a very interesting idea posed by Max Keiser for El Salvador. It actually is a way for the country to get out from under the IMG's thumb.

Put forth Volcano bonds which raises the money to pay off the debt and then use the proceeds from the mining operations to pay the bond holders.

Now we can see why the IMF hates the idea so much.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Well that would be an interesting idea. How good do you think the storage and transfer of energy from thermal heat?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great idea that government should look into! If I were them I would only sell to their citizens though. They do not need to have foreign countries owning their bonds. Maybe the bonds could be sold for BTC? Guess they would have to accept BTC as it is legal tender in their country now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta