
Who would win that?

Apple is supposedly trying to get into cars and if Tesla gets into phones, it would be an interesting scenario.

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Hahaha a world in reverse, maybe they both succeed in these new facets if it happens.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah or they merge and Musk, along with Cook, take over the world.

I know Muck cant stand Zuckerberg, I am not sure about Cook.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Whoever wins, we lose, but Musk+Cook is a better team than Zuckerberg+Dorsey+{whoever runs Alphabet}.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's going to be interesting if it ever happens. Both companies know how to innovate. I wonder if Steve were still alive if he wouldn't have made a bid for the company, since they both like to "Think Different."

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think if Jobs were still alive, that company would have taken a much different path. There was little innovation out of Apple over the last decade.

The IPad was the last, truly impactful product.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Calling it the best is a high hurdle. If it doesn't deliver, the media pundits will have a field day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Especially with Musk. They love to tattoo that guy.

Of course, he keeps getting the last laugh as his innovative companies just keep getting bigger.

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Tesla's making a smartphone? I'd rather use the bananaphone Thomas Anderson received from Morpheus via courier in The Matrix.

Thomas Anderson with the Nokia 8110 phone ("The Bananaphone")
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