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RE: Leo Talk 7/27/21 - Come Join Our Chat

It is interesting that everyone is talking about competition for Tesla with EVs. What makes this viewpoint difficult to substantiate is we see one of the largest car companies in the world pushing Congress to SLOW down the push towards EVs.

Toyota pushing Congress to slow down EV advance

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That sucks. If they can't keep up, bring the competition down by putting a stop to technological advancement. Lol, nice strategy though!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Isn't that how incumbents always do it?

They cant compete so they turn to the government to protect them and their market share.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They should wait until the same government F them up when things go south.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol, that's messed up but it makes sense for Toyota... if you can't run fast enough, then make everyone else just as slow so you can catch up

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Unfortunately for them they are chasing Tesla who is operating in overdrive. They are churning out all they can and everything they make is sold even before it is made.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well if they do, maybe those legacy automakers can catch up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah they need time.

GM wants to produce 1 million EVs by 2025.

Tesla will be at about 5 million by that time and growing at 40%-50% yearly.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta