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RE: Leo Talk 6/13/21 - Come Join Our Chat

If we look at automation (self driving) as a phase-in, it looks like we are entering a serious one in Texas with trucking.

Waymo is now partnering with a trucking firm to move cargo across Texas. This will have human drivers overseeing to start but the plan is to get around that at some point.

I have a feeling, if the technology keeps developing, this is something that will move rather quickly. My guess is that it is the norm within 5 years, at least on the highways.

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The Teamsters will probably have a fit over this one! Jimmy Hoffa is probably rolling in his grave, wherever that may be!

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The days of union power is long gone. Automation is making the human workers passe. The fact that unions try to drive hard bargains means more incentive to get rid of human workers.

This is a prime example. The corporations will state that it is because of the trucker shortage but use it, once perfected, to replace the rest of the workers.

It is simply how things operate.

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I would say 10 years is my estimate since they are hitting self-driving quite hard with Tesla in the lead.

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At the rate things are going with AI breakthroughs, I would say you are right.

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