
I guess he is standing by what he believes.

I read a lot of stories about him and he is a lot more intelligent when it comes to business than I initially thought. He was already very wealthy even before he made it big in the movies, even though his origins were humble.

I thought he would have had the curiosity to try and understand more about the crypto universe but I guess his time has not yet come.

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Yeah people think because of his accent and the roles he plays in movies, that the guy is an idiot. He is far from it. He is a very astute business man. Before his divorce, he was reported to be worth $800 million. I have no idea how much Maria took him to the cleaners for but he is a sharp dude.

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Yea, there is a very fun story about the very first company he had. I don't remember the details but it had to do with everyone just assuming he was from Germany (and not Austria) and he took advantage of that... I'll see if I can find it somewhere.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

He was always sharp from the beginning. His mind always drifted towards business. Even when he was taking acting classes, he was pushing his different projects forward.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well he can FOMO in afterwards when other joins the party. The cost of doing so is more money but I guess the rich don't care.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No. A guy like Arnold have missed more investment opportunities than you or I can dream about so missing this is no big deal. The wealthy know it only matters what you are in, not what you are not in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

People buy Bitcoin at the price they deserve to buy Bitcoin. These guys will be buying it at $1M someday when they want a place to store their value where it won't get deflated. Fact.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is true. They have different approaches. They do not need to get into Bitcoin since a guy like Arnold have the inside track on VC deals that 1,000x his money if it ihits.

The rest of us, well we arent in those deals.

So they talk about Bitcoin being the best investment over the last decade...that is only compared to the stuff that we all can get into.

When you look at those VC deals and the return they make on say an Epic Games when that goes public, blows everything out of the water. I am sure Arnold has the contracts and purse to get into those types of deals.

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