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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: Cubfinance V2 Day #3 (09/22/21)

A FYI, not financial advice.

I might pick up myself a little bit of Ethereum at these prices on the pullback. It looks like we could see $10K on that coin at a minimum, if not $20K.

It is a rich person's chain but there is enough there to push the token price much higher. I wont really use Ethereum but owning a bit could really put me in a pretty good position if the run does come.

Just thinking out loud.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I was thinking about it but I don't really want to convert fiat at this time. It might make some sense to invest in the ETH/BNB kingdom but prices are so volatile so I find it tough to convince myself sometimes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I'll do the same

I'm taking this opportunity to increase my holdings of BTC, ETH, RUNE, HIVE and LEO

And maybe a little LTC because one of the games I play, even though most people are bearish on the future of Litecoin

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Litecoin doesn't get the attention it deserves. It's from the same era as Bitcoin, and it was the basis for Dogecoin. Since it's from that time period, it's a payments cryptocurrency without smart contract functionality.

If one of the games you're playing uses Litecoin, you have a reason to own LTC. It's a soild crypto.

If it makes you feel better, Litecoin is in Andrei Jikh's portfolio.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes being in Andrei Jikh's portfolio is a good thing. However, if things are dependent upon development, I fail to see how Litecoin has much of a future. Yes DOGE did capture the imagination of people but for how long.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am neither adding to nor selling my Litecoin. It isnt a large part of my holding.

That said it is hard to be optimistic about it other than riding the overall wave up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Long term holders honestly when you have mega drops like this It should come back. Buy like crazy on the big dips. Think about ETH and BTC when they dropped to like 30k and 1.9k Ethereum good profits.

I just can't do it. I'll probably step up my small BTC buys if it drops further but I just can't make myself get involved with the ETH fees. When I have bought it in the past, it ends up just getting whittled away when I do other ERC20 transactions. Very frustrating.

Unless you buy something in the multiple $1000s, it just isn't worth it. You end up spending $100-$200 to get in, at GOOD gas prices, and then if you ever want to sell it, you either have to grit your teeth and pay what could be even higher prices, or else wait for a down time and pray it doesn't take a dip while you're waiting.

Just not for me...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The only people really making bank on Ethereum are the early-adopters and then the miners and exchanges. The rest of us are just paying them...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is true. I have enough liquid that I can cover the fees and add it to my existing stake. When I do decide to sell, I can unload the entire batch.

But it is something I have to consider.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Going to the barber for a haircut or a hair stylist may be worth it if you really want to make that visit.

Going to the barber for a haircut or a hair stylist only to end up beheaded is not worth the price of the visit.

"Buy the dip" makes sense when it's cheap or painless or both. Once again, ETH fees are killing it for many people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This isn't financial advice, either, but if crypto had a section for Blue Chip Assets, Ethereum would be in it along with Bitcoin; maybe Binance Coin (BNB). I don't know what other cryptos would qualify to be considered Blue Chip Assets. Definitely not SafeMoon, and likely not Shiba Inu either.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very few. Like I said, I'm not saying Ethereum is bad. It's just too damned expensive to work with. And because of that, other chains are starting to make some serious inroads into their market share. Solana and Cosmos both have somewhat decoupled from Bitcoin/Ethereum and are starting to make their own noise. Solana obviously just took a major hit to their credibility but Cosmos is continuing to develop and add more applications to their chain.

Everything still revolves around Bitcoin, obviously, if for no other reason than that every single crypto worth anything uses it as their base pair. So, as Bitcoin goes, so goes the market. But, it's starting to change. I don't expect a complete decoupling until Bitcoin's halving events are non-events, which I don't think will happen until it goes down below 1 Bitcoin per block. Maybe even the one after, depending on the Bitcoin price at the time.

Everyone keeps saying it but I am firmly in the camp that ETH will NOT flip Bitcoin anytime soon. And probably not ever.

Bitcoin has first-mover advantage on store-of-value and it will be extremely difficult for anyone to every supplant them. The scarcity and safety track record will keep them in front for a long time.

Ethereum on the other hand faces massive competition and it will only get worse. Plus their fees are off the charts. Like I said, they're not going away, but they'll be sharing the pie with a LOT of different chains in the very near future. Just my opinion...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As you said, Ethereum itself is great; it's the fees which blow.

A significant portion of the cryptoverse would not exist were it not for Ethereum, and I think everyone appreciates that detail. In a way, the fees reflect the fact that Ethereum is a victim of its own success.

As for The Flippening, it looks as if some other altcoin will have the honor of making it happen. Just as significant, some other altcoin will flip Ethereum.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am also buying Etherum now, I think etherum has capability of doing 5x from here in like 6 months time.

Very interesting. In line with some of the other projections. So you put it around $15K.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I do have some AMPLEforth and few other ETH based tokens which I plan on converting to ETH. But it's painful due to the fees. :(

Yeah have to have large amounts or basically screwed with it.

That is a rich person's chain, that is for sure.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Can't go wrong with buying ETH at these prices. A steal IMO. I got myself some $LUNA. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Luna - great move!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like your thinking.

Etheruem is certainly a rich man's chain when it comes to using it, but that doesn't mean the rest of us can't invest in the token itself.

I don't see ETH losing its number 2 position (and number 1 for smart contracts) anytime soon.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta