
He ain't gonna retire. There's too much money up for next year

Yeah well it is relative. He makes a ton off court regardless of what he does.

I thought I heard next year was 92M guaranteed

Fuck really? I didnt know it was that high. I knew he was over $60M.

I am sure someone can post what he is due to make.

Although I bet be makes $40M or more offseason.

Oh, that's new! I asked someone here in the office who is still active in playing basketball. He said "No," for James is still strong.

Lebron nursed an ingury this season. Some speculate it might push im to retire or at least take a year off.

We will see. He is 38 I believe.

He'll ride it out in LA for as long as he can.

I think I heard he has 2 more years on his contract.

#LeBron ain't going no where. Hoping they can find a third guy to score. #AR is getting better. They need to clean house and keep guys that want to play

I dont think he wants to come back for a team to be moderately competitive. He will want to win.

Have you heard Kyrie is trying to recruit him. This is bananas knowing how Kyrie can change any minute.