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RE: LeoThread 2023-02-21 11:37

Who is going to be on the top 10 for threads this week?

Here is how last week turned out.


it is a tight race but we know who will be on top for sure :)

The top spot is available for you. Have at it.

Type type and type some more.

I am on it but I don't think I will be able to go for more than 350 threads a day :)

Do not limit yourself.

Not limiting but not pressing either

Leading by more than half #thread . Super awesome .

Was this a competition I didn't know about?

No officially. Just the competitive threading juices. Each week @leo.stats puts together stats about activity on Leofinance. There is now part of the report on threads.

So you can see the top 10 list of threaders.

Nothing wrong with 'Bragging' rights.

Yes. And hopefully a way to motivate others to get active.

We want engagement and that is evidenced by the top thread counts because they are all comments going back and forth to each other. That is key to growth.

Who can compete against machines ?>???

You were one who got in there, with the week while on holiday.

So you did good.

wow... It's been a long time since I have seen myself in any TOP10

Yeah and since you started using the @onealfa so we can comment back, you were using two account. You might have topped Khal.

Only top 10.. that's rough.

Make it a challenge. This is not everyone gets a ribbon.

Threading is serious stuff.